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domainIntegrate, dieselFoam and Lagrangian Fields

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Old   May 14, 2010, 16:16
Default domainIntegrate, dieselFoam and Lagrangian Fields
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Marco A. Turcios
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I'm working on upgrading an in-house solver from OpenFoam 1.4.1 to 1.5 (and eventually 1.6, one step at a time). Since 1.5 introduced lagrangian fields being written, I was wondering if domainIntegrate and similar functions add both the Lagrangian and Eulerian fields together for this.

The reason is I am tracking C7H16 in a solver based on dieselFoam, and the new version shows a much faster increase than the 1.4.1 version, though the final amount is the same as expected. I checked all my dictionaries and the properties are identical, so the only possibilities are that:

1) Langrangian fields are now included in when performing a domain integration
2) There has been some changes "under-the-hood" for the spray that causes it to behave differently. (Doesn't look like it, as I've been comparing source files for a few afternoons here)

If 1) is true, then how should I extract the amount of C7H16 in the domain not including liquid phase?

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chemistry, combustion, dieselenginefoam, dieselfoam

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