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Cells And Points

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Old   May 4, 2010, 17:33
Default Cells And Points
New Member
Andreas Beck
Join Date: Apr 2010
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gimli79 is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,
I have some questions to the polymesh in OpenFoam 1.6.
For my further computations I need the pressureloads on the several wall elements, without using a postprocessor.
So I tried to find the pressures in the P file. There, they are all listet, but I am not able to identify the correct cell id.
My problem here is that I dont know which cell id corresponds to which wall id. I tried to get these via the points and the cells file in the polymesh, but in version 1.6 no cell file is created.
So my questions are:

Where is the information to the relation between points and cells stored and how can I get access to it ?

Is it possible to say OpenFoam that a cell file should be created?

Is it possible to transform the pressure to nodalforces on the wallpoints and can this then be written out ?

Is it possible to define a kind of outputset, for which the pressures are written out?

I hope that somebody can help me with all these questions.

So,thanks a lot

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Old   May 4, 2010, 20:33
Alan Russell
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Boise, Idaho USA
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Andy, I don't have access to Foam from here to check the details, but the boundary file in the polymesh directory should help you figure out what point/cell range applies to each of your patches. There is a post processing utility called sample that will help you access data. It has a dictionary file with a lot of settings - I haven't spent much time exploring it yet, but I was able to pull out a set of velocity points. You can search the forum on sample for more info. Good luck,

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