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Parallelization with icoFsiFoam

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Old   March 9, 2010, 09:42
Default Parallelization with icoFsiFoam
Wolfgang W.
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Switzerland
Posts: 57
Rep Power: 17
WiWo is on a distinguished road
Hello Foamers,

I have a problem which might be very simple to solve - or very tricky.

I'm working with icoFsiFoam on OpenFoam-1.5-dev. So far i was quite content running the solver on my 1-core PC but as usual cases grow larger and more complex so finally I'm trying to perform the calculations on a computing cluster.
I did some preliminary tests using more basic solvers to learn about decomporsePar and reconstructPar / reconstructParMesh. So far, everything is fine and the cluster does a great job.

Now, the focus of my work is on FSI, thus I use icoFsiFoam. And here I ran into some problems with the decomposition for the parallelization. As I have two distinct mesh regions (fluid, solid) I'm basically not sure how to perform the decomposition in general. Shall I decompose both regions into let's say 6 SubDomains? or decompose only the fluid region? (I tried both without success). And how many processors do I need to assign to the task? The sum of solid and fluid subdomains?

I assume there is an elegant way to get this right, but I'm a little bit lost.

I would very much appreciate any help you could provide on that issue.

Best regards,
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