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Please help - error after recompiling thermophysical models

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Old   December 31, 2009, 11:21
Question Please help - error after recompiling thermophysical models
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Axel Tietjen
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Hamburg, Germany
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Dear Foam users,

I have just 4 weeks left to finish my diploma thesis about OpenFoam and it seems that I accidently ruined my OpenFOAM installation.
Running short of time, I hope someone can give me a quick solution to fix the problem. But here is the whole story:

After I got a bit to often terminated solutions with error-messages like "maximum number of equations exceeded", I wanted to try to change that value in the source files.

I found that value in
and changed it.

To "activate" those modifications, the code must be compiled again (I hope I'm at least right in this point), so I executed
wmake libso specie
as I found that command in the /src/thermophysicalModells/Allwmake file.

Now there is allways the following error message when I execute a rhoPisoFoam Simulation:
Creating turbulence model

Selecting turbulence model type RASModel
Selecting RAS turbulence model kOmegaSST
new cannot satisfy memory request.
This does not necessarily mean you have run out of virtual memory.
It could be due to a stack violation caused by e.g. bad use of pointers or an out of date shared library
It's the same when I use kEpsilon turbulence model, but when I use for example icoFoam, which doesn't use a turbulence model it runs without error.

My first Idea was to recompile the turbulence files, too. With no success.
Then I took back all modifications and recompiled everything in the original state. Didn't help, too.

As anyone some ideas, how I can repair my OpenFOAM installation?
I'd appreciate any hints.

Thanks, (and btw a happy new year!)
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Old   January 5, 2010, 09:24
Default unsolved but obsolete
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Axel Tietjen
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Posts: 19
Rep Power: 17
Axel_T is on a distinguished road
Hello to everyone,

the problem is still unsolved, but since I re-installed my computer and OpenFOAM, the error doesn't appear anymore, of course.

I've learned my lesson, and from now on, I'll never touch the source-files again.

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change source files, maximum number, recompile, stack violation

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