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Changes in OpenFOAM trademark policy

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Old   August 22, 2009, 18:40
Default Changes in OpenFOAM trademark policy
Senior Member
Alberto Passalacqua
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Ames, Iowa, United States
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The OpenFOAM(r) trademark policies changed without any announcement from OpenCFD(r), as it can be read here:

Main news are the following:
  • Point 3 of the trademark policy: Any use of the Trade Marks by Third Parties in connection with the marketing or promotion of any products or services not provided by OpenCFD must include the following statement: “This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.” (the “Disclaimer”)
    The Disclaimer must appear prominently on each page that provides details of the products and/or services in question in a font size no smaller than half the size of the headline font and in any event no smaller than the body text.
  • Point 5 of the trademark policy: Third Parties must not describe themselves as “OpenFOAM developers” unless the work they carry out has been specifically requested by OpenCFD Limited. Where this is not the case, developers working with OpenFOAM technology may only describe themselves as “a developer using OpenFOAM technology”.
Since OpenFOAM(r) is supposed to be an open source project, an announcement when changes to the legal aspects its development, use and use of the name should have been done by people at OpenCFD(r), in my opinion, even if they are not legally required to do so.
However, since this was not done, as a member of the community, I tried to fill this gap. You are invited to read the new version of the trademark policy carefully from the OpenCFD(r) website.

Alberto Passalacqua

GeekoCFD - A free distribution based on openSUSE 64 bit with CFD tools, including OpenFOAM. Available as in both physical and virtual formats (current status:
OpenQBMM - An open-source implementation of quadrature-based moment methods.

To obtain more accurate answers, please specify the version of OpenFOAM you are using.
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