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autoPtr, derived classes and memory leak

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Old   July 28, 2009, 18:50
Default autoPtr, derived classes and memory leak
Senior Member
John Deas
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i am trying to understand generic programming concepts used in OpenFOAM, and have a basic question in C++.

suppose I have a "employee" base class which has virtual functions, and two derived classes:
employeeExportA:public employee
employeeExportB:public employee
I want to have a pointer to the employee base class called myEmployee, and be able to choose at runtime wether it points to a employeeExportA or employeeExportB object. I tried this code:

    auto_ptr<employee> myEmployee;
    if (inputString == "A")
         myEmployee = auto_ptr<employeeExportA>(new employeeExportA(4,5));
    if (inputString == "B")
         myEmployee = auto_ptr<employeeExportB>(new employeeExportB(4,5));;
My program compiles, but I would like to know, since the auto_ptr myEmployee has been created with the base class, will it be able to clean all the memory created by the "new" operator applied to a derived class, or will it only clean the part of the object in common with the base and let the remaining leaking ?
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Old   July 29, 2009, 06:29
Assistant Moderator
Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by johndeas View Post

i am trying to understand generic programming concepts used in OpenFOAM, and have a basic question in C++.

suppose I have a "employee" base class which has virtual functions, and two derived classes:
employeeExportA:public employee
employeeExportB:public employee
I want to have a pointer to the employee base class called myEmployee, and be able to choose at runtime wether it points to a employeeExportA or employeeExportB object. I tried this code:

    auto_ptr<employee> myEmployee;
    if (inputString == "A")
         myEmployee = auto_ptr<employeeExportA>(new employeeExportA(4,5));
    if (inputString == "B")
         myEmployee = auto_ptr<employeeExportB>(new employeeExportB(4,5));;
My program compiles, but I would like to know, since the auto_ptr myEmployee has been created with the base class, will it be able to clean all the memory created by the "new" operator applied to a derived class, or will it only clean the part of the object in common with the base and let the remaining leaking ?
That depends. Google for "virtual destructor"
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