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What is the purpose of this FORUM

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Old   May 6, 2008, 11:48
Default Hi Forum With all due respe
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jaswi is on a distinguished road
Hi Forum

With all due respect and gratitude to all who have been helping the newcomers like me I have some questions to the forum.

With this post I am trying to find out the purpose of this forum so that I could draw lines for myself. I understand that just by asking this question I will be inviting criticism from many of the regular users of this forum but I think there are many people out there who want to ask these questions.

In the spirit of open source software, I have witnessed that linux forums are much supportive. May be because its well documented. No I am not trying to raise the topic "WHO MAKES THE DOCUMENTATION" but I am trying to figure out how far is OpenFOAM in the spirit of open source.

I have been associated with OpenFOAM almost a year now and I accept that I have learned a lot from the forum posts. Due to the feedback from some experts I corrected my approach of asking questions. Instead of asking for ready to use solutions, I try to do my homework and then ask when I do not understand anything. But I have observed that most of the time when somebody is stuck and none of the regular users know how to help then it just hangs out there.

I understand that its nobody's job to specially delve into other's problem and find the solution for others but I am sure there are always people who know what is wrong. Nobody expects the answer to how that "WRONG", over which somebody is loosing sleep, can be corrected or implemented but a comment or a tip where one should look for is enough to go on.

I do not understand how that can be sorted out. Maybe make a member fee to the forum because this way its just like a wild ride. I have seen so many posts which try to do something meaningful with the code but are stuck because they do not know how that trick is done in OpenFOAM.

Please comment.

With Best Regards
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