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OpenFOAM Training in Europe and USA

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Old   August 8, 2008, 06:33
Default OpenFOAM Training Wikki Ltd
Senior Member
Hrvoje Jasak
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OpenFOAM Training

Wikki Ltd. and Gridcore announce two 2-day OpenFOAM training sessions open for general attendance. European event will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden on 8-9 October 2008. North American training will be held on 10-11 November 2008 in New York, USA.

Over the two days, attendees will be introduced to OpenFOAM as a general-purpose CFD solver for standard fluid flow applications. This will be followed by an overview of solver capabilities and an in-depth look into the structure and organisation of Computational Continuum Mechanics library which is the base of all OpenFOAM solvers. The final session is dedicated to user extensions of library capability, including custom material models, user-defined boundary conditions and custom top-level solvers.

To help with the understanding, basics of the Finite Volume Method and a short introduction to C++ Programming Language will also be covered.

Topics to be covered include:

1) OpenFOAM as a CFD solver
- mesh generation, conversion and set-up: importing Fluent and STAR-CD cases
- material properties, initial and boundary conditions
- running the solver, including massively parallel computations
- data analysis, sampling, graphing and post-processing
- hands-on examples

2) Overview of OpenFOAM library
- basics of C++ programming language (with exercises)
- OpenFOAM library organisation
- physical modelling capabilities
- top-level solver organisation: physics, controls, data analysis
- Finite Volume Discretisation: theoretical base of OpenFOAM
- example of using OpenFOAM capabilities in a custom solver

3) OpenFOAM in Use
- extending OpenFOAM capabilities
- customized data manipulation
- on-the-fly post-processing
- implementing a new boundary condition
- adding a new transport equation
- wmake build system
- hands-on examples
- parallel processing: theoretical basis, data decomposition and reconstruction, impact on coding

4) Open Forum: Questions and Examples

Written material and all examples will be distributed to attendees.

Contact and Registration Details

For more details and registration please visit

or contact

by E-mail.

European training event:

Gothenburg, Sweden on 8th and 9th of October 2008 (Wednesday-Thursday)
Hotel 11
Maskingatan 11
Gothenburg, Sweden

North American training event:

New York, USA on 10th and 11th of November 2008 (Monday-Tuesday)
IBM Palisades
334 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964
Hrvoje Jasak
Providing commercial FOAM/OpenFOAM and CFD Consulting:
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