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OpenFOAM workshop in Milan

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Old   December 20, 2007, 03:19
Default Dear all, I'm pleased to an
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Gianluca D\'Errico
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Dear all,

I'm pleased to announce that we are organizing the third OpenFOAM workshop, which will be held in Milan, Italy on the 10th and the 11th of July 2008.

This is a preliminary announcement to allow all interested people to plan in advance their participation. Further and more detailed information will be given soon (

Anyone who wishes to give any suggestion or would like to be involved in the organization is welcome to contact me directly.

Gianluca D'Errico
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Old   December 22, 2007, 06:08
Default wooooooooooooooooooow http://w
Marco Moscaritolo
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(Do you remember me? I was a member of S.E.M. few years ago)
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Old   December 25, 2007, 19:53
Default Great news! I'll probably b
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Alberto Passalacqua
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Great news!

I'll probably be in US in July, but I wish you a great success for the event! I'll spread the information around :-)

Alberto Passalacqua

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To obtain more accurate answers, please specify the version of OpenFOAM you are using.
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Old   January 23, 2008, 12:06
Default Dear all, the wiki page of
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Gianluca D\'Errico
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Dear all,

the wiki page of the Third OpenFOAM Workshop ( has been updated with all the information about thematic sessions, deadlines, registration and practicalities.

For the benefit of new OpenFOAM users, basic Training Sessions will be provided the day before the Workshop (the 9th of July 2008). Training will be structured to demonstrate library capabilities in complex physics and go through basic steps of OpenFOAM use and customization. The training course is co-organized by Politecnico di Milano and Chalmers University of Technology.

Third OpenFOAM Workshop

Workshop Sessions

* Automotive , organized by Politecnico di Milano
* Turbomachinery, organized by Hydro-Québec and Chalmers University of Technology
* Mesh handling and generation, organized by ICON
* Heat transfer and fluid structure interaction, organized by University of Zagreb and University College Dublin
* LES and hybrid LES/RANS models, organized by The University of Exeter
* Multiphase and Free-Surface Flows, organized by The Pennsylvania State University
* Other topics (combustion, advanced simulations of compressible and incompressible flows,...)

I would like to thank all the Session Organizers and hope to see may of you in Milan next July.

Gianluca D'Errico.
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Old   April 28, 2008, 12:41
Default Dear All, I am pleased to a
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Gianluca D\'Errico
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Dear All,

I am pleased to announce that the program of the next OpenFOAM workshop, which will be held in Milan (10-11 July 2008) is now available on the wiki page of the Third OpenFOAM Workshop ( and that all abstracts can be downloaded from each session page. Due to the high number of proposed contributions we could not extend the deadline for abstracts, but I would like to invite anyone who wishes to contribute to the workshop to contact me directly to see if we can arrange some poster sessions.

I would also like to invite everyone who intends to attend to proceed with the the registration to allow a better organization of the event (

For those who are interested a limited number of rooms has been reserved in a hotel near the workshop location at a preferential participant rate. Please have a look at the Accomodation link (


Gianluca D'Errico.

__________________________________________________ ____
Draft Program of the Third OpenFOAM workshop

organized by Gianluca D'Errico and Gianluca Montenegro, Politecnico di Milano
* T. Lucchini, G. Montenegro, G. D'Errico (Politecnico di Milano), Developments in OpenFOAM for internal combustion engine simulation
* F. Piscaglia, A. Montorfano, A. Onorati (Politecnico di Milano), Diesel particulate filter modeling
* B. Gschaider (ICE GmbH), C. Hossfeld, M. Pfennig (EMCON Technologies), Simulation of metal foam as an innovative substrate for catalytic application and partial soot filter
* L. Gasparini, M. Polli, D. Paganelli (Fondmetal Technologies), Improved k-w Turbulence Model and Application to the Computation of Flows on Simplified Car Bodies
* Briani, V. Fraioli, P. Belardini (Istituto Motori of Naples), Numerical simulation of heptane autoignition in diesel engines by means of detailed reaction kinetics
* Möller, Suzzi (ViF), Meile (Graz University of Technology), Investigation of the flow around the Ahmed body using LES and RANS with various turbulence models

organized by Maryse Page, Martin Beaudoin, Hydro-Québec, and Håkan Nilsson, Chalmers University of Technology
* H. Nilsson (Chalmers) and M. Page (IREQ, Hydro Quebec), OpenFOAM Turbo Workgroup, progress report and descriptions of the ERCOFTAC conical diffuser case-study
* M. Page (IREQ, Hydro Quebec), Case-0 studies
* O. Bounous and H. Nilsson (Chalmers), Case-1 studies of different solvers, discretization schemes and turbulence models. Studies of a new case, with a dump after the diffuser
* O. Petit and H. Nilsson (Chalmers), Studies of the sliding grid interface and multiple reference frames in the ERCOFTAC conical diffuser
* C. Duprat and O. Metais (MoST, LEGI), Modelisation of a high Reynolds number swirling conical diffuser using LES
* Cerutti, L. Mangani, D. Nannicini (University of Florence), Radiative and combustion modeling for turbomachinery applications
* Blaim, O. Borm, T. Fröbel, H.P. Kau, Implementation of Rotor-Stator Interfaces in OpenFOAM
* Beaudoin (IREQ, Hydro Quebec), H. Jasak (Wikki Ltd.), Adaptation of the General Grid Interface (GGI) for Turbomachinery simulations with OpenFOAM

Mesh handling and generation
organized by Andrew Jackson, ICON
* E. de Villiers, A. Jackson (ICON), M. Janssens (OpenCFD Ltd), Automatic Parallel Polyhedral Mesh Generation on Complex Geometries in OpenFOAM
* D. Baldwin, Combined use of Blender and OpenFOAM
* C. Sideroff (Pointwise), Solid Modeling and Fault Tolerant Meshing - Strategies for Dealing with Faulty CAD
* D. Schmidt, S. Menon (University of Massachusetts), New moving-mesh algorithm
* F. Bos (Delft University of Technology), Moving and deforming meshes for flapping flight at low Reynolds numbers
* H. Jasak (Wikki), Automatic mesh generation
* B. Fabritius, J. Klostermann, Ch. Brücker, R. Schwarze (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Handling non-uniform mesh deformation with OpenFOAM
* M. Spel, V. Rivola (R.Tech), Various Grid Generation Solutions for OpenFOAM
* G.R. Tabor, P.G. Young (The University of Exeter), H.Jasak (Wikki), Image-based Mesh Generation

Heat transfer and fluid structure interaction
organized by Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin, and Zeljko Tukovic, University of Zagreb
* A. Ivankovic, Ashkan Safari (University College Dublin), Z. Tukovic (University of Zagreb), Numerical modeling of fluid: biofilm interaction
* L. Mangani, C. Bianchini (University of Florence), External and internal heat transfer in turbomachinery applications
* T. Gallinger, A. Michalski, A. Kupzok, R. Wuchner, U. Bletzinger (Technical University of Munich), Coupled Simulation of Light-Weight Membrane Structures subject to Wind Loading
* V. Kanyanta, N. Quinn, A. Ivankovic, A. Karac (University College Dublin), Fluid-Structure Interaction in Bioengineering
* S. Kelly, M. O'Rourke (University College Dublin), Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations on a Patient Based AAA Geometry

LES and hybrid LES/RANS models
organized by Gavin Tabor, The University of Exeter
* G.R.Tabor, M.H. Baba-Ahmadi (University of Exeter), Inlet conditions for LES
* J. Turnow, H. Kroeger, N. Kornev, S. Isaev, E. Hassel (University of Rostock), Large Eddy Simulation of Vortex Formation in a Channel with a Spherical Dimple
* Gian Marco Bianchi (University of Bologna), Simulation of internal combustion engine non-reactive flows in fixed grids
* H. Kröger, N. Kornev, E. Hassel (Universität Rostock), Implementation of Combustion Models for Large Eddy Simulation

Multiphase and Free-Surface Flows
organized by Eric Paterson, The Pennsylvania State University
* Eric Paterson (The Pennsylvania State University), Multiphase and Free-Surface Flow Simulations
* F. Franzoni, M. Milani, L. Montorsi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Cavitation and Fluid Mixing in a Multi-Fuel Injection System
* K. Maki (University of Michigan), Simulation of Floating Bodies in Waves using VOF RANS and Dynamic Meshing
* S. Kim (Naval Surface Warfare Center), Modeling of Turbulent Cavitating Flows
* M. Page,S. Houde (Hydro-Québec Institut de recherche), Modeling of the flow in surge chamber with OpenFOAM

Other topics and advanced developments
organized by Hrvoje Jasak, University of Zagreb and Wikki Ltd
* H. Jasak (Wikki), Developments of advanced applications in OpenFOAM
* G. Romanelli, E. Serioli, P. Mantegazza (Politecnico di Milano), An accurate inviscid compressible solver for aerodynamic applications
* J. Krauß, Ö. Ertunç, A. Delgado (Uni Erlangen), Trials of implementation of Automatic Differentiation in OpenFOAM and a new proposal
* G. Boiger (Ice-SF), Large particle modelling in realistic filtration fibre geometries
* Z. Saldi, S. Kenjeres, C. Kleijn (Delft University of Technology), Numerical Simulations of Interfacial Flows in Magnetic Fields
* E. Mas de les Valls, L. Batet (Technical University of Catalonia), OpenFOAM capabilities for magnetohydrodynamic simulation under nuclear fusion technology conditions
* W. Mattheus, J. Klostermann, M. Triep, Ch. Brücker and R. Schwarze (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Numerical Simulations of the 3 dimensional flow in a model of the human glottis
* M. Beaudoin (IREQ, Hydro Quebec), B. Gschaider (ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH), The OpenFOAM-extend project on SourceForge: current status
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Old   April 28, 2008, 16:44
Default I am extremely interested in t
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I am extremely interested in this:

* E. de Villiers, A. Jackson (ICON), M. Janssens (OpenCFD Ltd), Automatic Parallel Polyhedral Mesh Generation on Complex Geometries in OpenFOAM

Thats what OpenFOAM was lacking to get a real competitive CFD code. Is a beta of the software somewhere out there?

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Old   July 14, 2008, 13:34
Default I couldn't attend the workshop
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I couldn't attend the workshop. Could you upload this presentation?

Automatic Parallel Hex, Split Hex Mesh Generation on Complex Geometries in OpenFOAM

I would also like to know more about this.
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Old   July 14, 2008, 14:02
Default I think the organizers will ma
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Eugene de Villiers
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I think the organizers will make the presentations available for download soon. If not, mail me directly for a copy. I think the document is too big to upload to this site.
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Old   July 15, 2008, 13:30
Default Thank you to the Gianluca D'Er
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Eric Paterson
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Thank you to the Gianluca D'Errico and his team at Politecnico di Milano! They did a great job organizing the workshop. It is always nice to meet the faceless names from the Forum in person, and to see all of the great things being done in the OpenFOAM community!!

There were 250 participants and 42 presentations at the workshop, and around 125 participants at the training. With this kind of growth (I think there were ~100 people at Zagreb), I wouldn't be surprised if 300-400 people attended the 4th Workshop next year!

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Old   August 17, 2008, 12:37
Default I was not able to attend the W
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I was not able to attend the Workshop. Will the presentatations be available somewhere? I have not seen anything yet. I am especially interested this:

* E. de Villiers, A. Jackson (ICON), M. Janssens (OpenCFD Ltd), Automatic Parallel Polyhedral Mesh Generation on Complex Geometries in OpenFOAM

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