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Molecular diffusion-advection-response simulations in the mouse brain.

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Old   October 24, 2024, 00:43
Smile Molecular diffusion-advection-response simulations in the mouse brain.
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Join Date: Oct 2024
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Hi everyone, as a new user of openfoam, I am not yet fully familiar with the basic operation of openfoam.

I have a 3D model of a mouse brain that is able to distinguish between different areas of the structure. I would like to complete a diffusion-advection-reaction process for molecules based on this model.

Important structures that may be included in the brain are: some barriers that prevent molecules from passing directly through; some areas of tissue where molecules can only diffuse; and some areas of water flow, such as the blood, where molecules are able to flow with the blood.

The simulation I would like to consider is that, for example, there will be an initial concentration of molecule A in some area, this A molecule does not know the exact chemical formula, it is just a code name, it will diffuse freely, as well as move with the water flow after entering the area of the water flow. In other areas there will be an initial concentration of B, who will not move. I'm considering a reaction where A+B=C, and when the two substances AB touch together they will become a complex C.

There is no need to consider any thermodynamic properties during the motion.

Can anyone tell me which solver I should use, such as reactingFoam? Very much looking forward to someone answering my question. Thanks!
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