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PINN for cavity flow, in the environment of OpenFOAM + Libtorch |
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October 12, 2024, 03:17 |
PINN for cavity flow, in the environment of OpenFOAM + Libtorch
#1 |
Senior Member
Dongyue Li
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Beijing, China
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Hello there,
I would like to share my PINN-libtorch code for cavity flow. It can be compiled in the environment of OpenFOAM-8,9,10,11, etc. Please see the following: Code:
#include <torch/torch.h> using namespace std; //创建神经网络 struct NN : torch::nn::Cloneable<NN> { torch::nn::Sequential net_; public: NN() { reset(); } void reset() override { int neu = 100; net_ = register_module ( "net", torch::nn::Sequential ( torch::nn::Linear(2,neu), torch::nn::Tanh(), torch::nn::Linear(neu,neu), torch::nn::Tanh(), torch::nn::Linear(neu,neu), torch::nn::Tanh(), torch::nn::Linear(neu,3) ) ); } auto forward(torch::Tensor x) { return net_->forward(x); } }; int main() { int iter = 1; double learningRate = 0.0005; int IterationNum = 10000; auto crit = torch::nn::MSELoss(); auto net = std::make_shared<NN>(); auto opti = torch::optim::Adam ( net->parameters(), torch::optim::AdamOptions(learningRate) ); torch::manual_seed(0); int pixel = 70;//网格数 double nu = 0.1;//粘度 double vel = 3.0;//顶盖速度 auto bottom = torch::full({pixel, 2}, 0.0); auto top = torch::full({pixel, 2}, 1.0); auto left = torch::full({pixel, 2}, 0.0); auto right = torch::full({pixel, 2}, 1.0); auto u_top = torch::full({pixel}, vel); auto v_top = torch::full({pixel}, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < pixel; i++) { int min = 1; int max = 100; int numb = min + rand() % (max - min + 1); bottom[i][0] = numb/100.0; } for (int i = 0; i < pixel; i++) { int min = 1; int max = 100; int numb = min + rand() % (max - min + 1); top[i][0] = numb/100.0; } for (int i = 0; i < pixel; i++) { int min = 1; int max = 100; int numb = min + rand() % (max - min + 1); left[i][1] = numb/100.0; } for (int i = 0; i < pixel; i++) { int min = 1; int max = 100; int numb = min + rand() % (max - min + 1); right[i][1] = numb/100.0; } auto mesh = torch::rand({pixel*pixel, 2}); mesh.requires_grad_(true); top.requires_grad_(true); left.requires_grad_(true); right.requires_grad_(true); bottom.requires_grad_(true); for (int i = 0; i < IterationNum; i++) { //#include "toCUDA.H" opti.zero_grad(); auto UP = net->forward(mesh); auto UPtop = net->forward(top); auto UPright = net->forward(right); auto UPbottom = net->forward(bottom); auto UPleft = net->forward(left); auto u_pred = UP.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto v_pred = UP.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto p_pred = UP.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 2}); auto u_pred_top = UPtop.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto v_pred_top = UPtop.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto p_pred_top = UPtop.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 2}); auto u_pred_left = UPleft.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto v_pred_left = UPleft.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto p_pred_left = UPleft.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 2}); auto u_pred_bottom = UPbottom.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto v_pred_bottom = UPbottom.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto p_pred_bottom = UPbottom.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 2}); auto u_pred_right = UPright.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto v_pred_right = UPright.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto p_pred_right = UPright.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 2}); auto dpdMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {p_pred}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(p_pred)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdx = dpdMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dpdy = dpdMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dpdxMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {dpdx}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(dpdx)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdyMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {dpdy}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(dpdy)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdxx = dpdxMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dpdyy = dpdyMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dpdLeft = torch::autograd::grad ( {p_pred_left}, {left}, {torch::ones_like(p_pred_left)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdx_left = dpdLeft.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dpdy_left = dpdLeft.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dpdBottom = torch::autograd::grad ( {p_pred_bottom}, {bottom}, {torch::ones_like(p_pred_bottom)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdx_bottom = dpdBottom.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dpdy_bottom = dpdBottom.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dpdRight = torch::autograd::grad ( {p_pred_right}, {right}, {torch::ones_like(p_pred_right)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdx_right = dpdRight.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dpdy_right = dpdRight.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dpdTop = torch::autograd::grad ( {p_pred_top}, {top}, {torch::ones_like(p_pred_top)}, true, true )[0]; auto dpdx_top = dpdTop.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dpdy_top = dpdTop.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dudMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {u_pred}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(u_pred)}, true, true )[0]; auto dudx = dudMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dudy = dudMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dvdMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {v_pred}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(v_pred)}, true, true )[0]; auto dvdx = dvdMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dvdy = dvdMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dudxMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {dudx}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(dudx)}, true, true )[0]; auto dudxx = dudxMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dudyMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {dudy}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(dudy)}, true, true )[0]; auto dudyy = dudyMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dudxy = dudyMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dvdxMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {dvdx}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(dvdx)}, true, true )[0]; auto dvdyMesh = torch::autograd::grad ( {dvdy}, {mesh}, {torch::ones_like(dvdy)}, true, true )[0]; auto dvdxx = dvdxMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0}); auto dvdxy = dvdxMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto dvdyy = dvdyMesh.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 1}); auto cont1 = dudx + dvdy; auto mom1 = 2.0*u_pred*dudx + v_pred*dudy + u_pred*dvdy - nu*(dudxx + dudyy) - nu*(dudxx + dvdxy) + dpdx; auto mom2 = u_pred*dvdx + v_pred*dudx + 2.0*v_pred*dvdy - nu*(dvdxx + dvdyy) - nu*(dudxy + dvdyy) + dpdy; auto loss_cont1 = crit(cont1, 0*cont1); auto loss_mom1 = crit(mom1, 0*mom1); auto loss_mom2 = crit(mom2, 0*mom2); auto loss_top1 = crit(u_pred_top, u_top); auto loss_top2 = crit(v_pred_top, v_top); auto loss_top3 = crit(dpdy_top, 0*dpdy_top); auto loss_top = loss_top1 + loss_top2 + loss_top3; auto loss_left1 = crit(u_pred_left, 0*u_pred_left); auto loss_left2 = crit(v_pred_left, 0*v_pred_left); auto loss_left3 = crit(dpdx_left, 0*dpdx_left); auto loss_left = loss_left1 + loss_left2 + loss_left3; auto loss_right1 = crit(u_pred_right, 0*u_pred_right); auto loss_right2 = crit(v_pred_right, 0*v_pred_right); auto loss_right3 = crit(dpdx_right, 0*dpdx_right); auto loss_right = loss_right1 + loss_right2 + loss_right3; auto loss_bottom1 = crit(u_pred_bottom, 0*u_pred_bottom); auto loss_bottom2 = crit(v_pred_bottom, 0*v_pred_bottom); auto loss_bottom3 = crit(dpdy_bottom, 0*dpdy_bottom); auto loss_bottom = loss_bottom1 + loss_bottom2 + loss_bottom3; auto loss_dataP = crit(p_pred[0], 0*p_pred[0]); auto loss_data = 100*(loss_dataP); auto loss_boundary = 10.0*(loss_top + loss_left + loss_right + loss_bottom); auto loss_pde = 1.0*(loss_cont1 + loss_mom1 + loss_mom2); auto loss = loss_pde + loss_boundary + loss_data; loss.backward(); opti.step(); iter++; if (iter % 50 == 0) { cout<< iter<< ": cont: " << loss_cont1.item<double>() << ", pde: " << loss_pde.item<double>() << ", boundary: " << loss_boundary.item<double>() << ", All: " << loss.item<double>() << endl; std::ofstream meshfile("meshfile"); meshfile << mesh << "\n"; std::ofstream ufile("U"); ufile << UP << "\n"; auto device = torch::kCPU; net->to(device); mesh = mesh.to(device); top = top.to(device); bottom = bottom.to(device); right = right.to(device); left = left.to(device); u_top = u_top.to(device); v_top = v_top.to(device); torch::save(net, "net.pth"); } } return 0; } Code:
#!/bin/bash paste meshfile U > data gnuplot<<EOF #set terminal pngcairo size 2800,700 enhanced font 'Verdana,40' transparent #set output 'cavity.png' set terminal jpeg size 2800,700 enhanced font 'Verdana,40' set output 'cavity.jpeg' set title 'Cavity flow predicted by PINN in the env of OpenFOAM + libtorch' set pm3d map set palette rgb 33,13,10 set colorbox set dgrid3d 20,20 set xtics scale 0 set ytics scale 0 set format x "" set format y "" set style data points set pointsize 2 # Start multiplot mode set multiplot layout 1,4 title 'Cavity flow predicted by PINN in the env of OpenFOAM + libtorch' # First plot set title 'Ux' #set cbrange [-0.2:2] plot 'data' using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 7 palette notitle unset cbrange # Second plot set title 'Uy' plot 'data' using 1:2:4 with points pointtype 7 palette notitle # Third plot set title 'Umag' #set cbrange [0:2] plot 'data' using 1:2:(sqrt(column(3)*column(3)+column(4)*column(4))) with points pointtype 7 palette notitle unset cbrange # Fourth plot set title 'p' plot 'data' using 1:2:5 with points pointtype 7 palette notitle # End multiplot mode unset multiplot EOF Regarding how to use libtorch in the environment of OpenFOAM. Please see this: https://cfd-china.com/topic/6967
My OpenFOAM algorithm website: http://dyfluid.com By far the largest Chinese CFD-based forum: http://www.cfd-china.com/category/6/openfoam We provide lots of clusters to Chinese customers, and we are considering to do business overseas: http://dyfluid.com/DMCmodel.html |
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