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Seeking Advice: Optimizing Boundary Conditions for S Duct Simulation

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Old   March 20, 2024, 16:51
Default Seeking Advice: Optimizing Boundary Conditions for S Duct Simulation
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Join Date: Jul 2022
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I am currently endeavoring to simulate a simple S duct operating under specified conditions: Reynolds number of 2 million and Mach number of 0.6. My approach involves utilizing the rhoSimple foam solver, specifically employing the kw SST turbulence model with the first cell located within the viscous sub-layer. Additionally, I am employing low Re wall functions for both turbulence kinetic energy (k) and turbulent viscosity.

In my preliminary simulations, I utilized a fixed velocity inlet and fixed pressure outlet boundary conditions, resulting in a convergent solution after approximately 1500 iterations.

Transitioning to the validation phase, I observed that many studies in the literature adjust the mass flow through the duct by manipulating the backpressure, while maintaining the inlet open to atmospheric conditions. Consequently, I attempted to replicate this scenario by fixing both the pressure at the outlet and inlet, ensuring that the outlet pressure is lower than the inlet pressure. I employed the pressureInletOutletVelocity boundary condition for the velocity inlet, with all other boundaries set to utilize the inletOutlet condition.

Regrettably, this approach did not yield a converged solution for reasons I am currently investigating.

I kindly request advice regarding my boundary conditions. My objective is to control the mass flow through the duct using backpressure, while maintaining the static pressure of the free stream.

Thank you for your assistance.
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boundary condition, ducts, openfoam 9., rhosimplefoam error

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