October 12, 2022, 05:19
Asking how to properly use the mapFields Field mapping command in openfoam
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Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 1
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Hello! I want to map the results of a uniform grid onto a locally encrypted grid, but the following problem always arises when I map.So I want to ask how to correctly map from a uniform mesh to a locally dense mesh?
Source time: 24000
Target time: 24000
Create meshes
Source mesh size: 431200 Target mesh size: 1368752
Consistently creating and mapping fields for time 24000
Creating mesh-to-mesh addressing for region0 and region0 regions using direct
Overlap volume: 4.93144e+09
Creating AMI between source patch lower and target patch lower using directAMI
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 9800 source faces and 30656 target faces
AMI: 1236 non-overlap faces identified
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 1, 1, 1
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 1, 1, 1
Creating AMI between source patch upper and target patch upper using directAMI
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 9800 source faces and 9800 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 1, 1, 1
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 1, 1, 1
interpolating T
The computational domain and boundary conditions of my two sets of meshes are the same: dx=23 for uniform meshes and dx=23-11.5-5.75 for local encrypted meshes. The encrypted region is located in the center of the computational domain. The command I used and the mapFields file looks like this:
mapFields /home/gx/OpenFOAM/gx-2.4.x/ABL-neature-huiyi-z0.05-dx24-12-6-new-1 -consistent -mapMethod mapNearest
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "system";
object mapFieldsDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
patchMap ();
cuttingPatches ( );