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pyfoamPlotRunner and Watcher do not show any plots, only terminal outputs

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Old   August 15, 2022, 04:21
Default pyfoamPlotRunner and Watcher do not show any plots, only terminal outputs
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I am running the Vortex Shedding c2 case. I run my case using the following commands:

fluent3DMeshesToFoam ../../../meshes_geometries/vortex_shedding/ascii.msh
renumberMesh -overwrite
icoFoam | tee log.icofoam
Code: log.icofoam
gnuplot scripts0/plot_coeffs
I managed to run the case using icoFoam, plot the coefficients and visualize it using openFoam. However, I am unable to get
Code: log.icofoam
to show any plots.
I made sure that my simulation does have a lot of time step data (350 seconds in total, and plot_coeffs do have a lot of time data). I also tried to use
Code: icoFoam
. But, both of these only give terminal outputs and no plots.

So, to sum up:
Code: log.icofoam
gives these output:

Code: icoFoam
gives these output:

I see no plot outputs popping up. I am on Arch Linux and also tried to switch Desktop Environment to see if it helps, still didnt get any plots.

Also, i made sure that my
command works.

Any help is appreciated.
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Old   August 26, 2022, 09:43
Hyun Ko
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Do you use openfoam10?
In OF10, I have a same issue for PyFoam.
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Old   August 29, 2022, 04:19
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by hyunko View Post
Do you use openfoam10?
In OF10, I have a same issue for PyFoam.

Yeah. It is OF10

PyFoam needs to the detect the current time to do the plotting. For the last 20 years OF printed out the time in this format
Time = 42
Now it seems that the Foundation found out that one of the major problems that made using OpenFOAM hard was that people thought this might 42 years. So it seems that they changed it to
Time = 42s
to make things easier for the user. Unfortunately the extra "s" means that PyFoam doesn't recognize it as Time and therefore doesn't plot anything

As a temporary fix you can create a file ~/.pyFoam/pyfoamrc.d/of10.cfg with the content
timeregexp: ^(Time =|Iteration:) (.+)s$
This makes PyFoam recognize the time format of OF10 but breaks it for all distros that value backwards-compatibility (and also OF9 and earlier)

For the next PyFoam-version I'll hardcode a time-expression that
- works for older versions (because I think that backwards-compatibility is courtesy towards the user)
- recognizes the alternate format
- does not accept everything that has "Time =" in it as a valid time (this is the hard part because there are outputs like "ExecutionTime =" that should not fit)
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Old   August 29, 2022, 07:52
Hyun Ko
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Thanks for your kind explanation.
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