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Opensource library for ICE based on OpenFOAM

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Old   September 5, 2021, 17:17
Default Opensource library for ICE based on OpenFOAM
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I'm looking for an opensource library (C++) based on OpenFOAM that simulates an internal combustion engine (mostly interested in reciprocating engines).

Searching online I found different papers from POLIMI (Politecnico di Milano) discussing a library called Lib-ICE which, apparently, does exactly what I need, but unfortunately doesn't seem to be opensource or available in any other form or shape.

Is there something similar I'm not quite able to find?

Thank you

Last edited by lennox; September 6, 2021 at 07:32.
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Old   September 15, 2021, 08:46
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Out of the box I only know the department you already mentioned. However, its more a consortium rather than only Politechnico. Last year I was able to join the ICE conference in Milano and the ICE library is more or less the "standard" way to go. Even though the ICE process itself is not a good one:

- Mesh the geometry
- Move the mesh until it is distorted
- Go back one step and extract the surface
- Create new mesh with new surface (already moved one)
- Map fields from old mesh to new one
- Repeat until you are done

However, this single steps are done via some scripts (combining mostly already existing applications existing in OpenFOAM). Hence, its IO expensive as the data are always re-saved and -loaded from the HDD rather than storing everything in the memory. I wanted to create something like that once by support from USA. I started and made some test but you have to manipulate a lot of classes and standard code (at least the way I wanted to go).

To answer you question:

- ICE from Politechnico is non-open-source
- Once I found a talk from ... ( I cannot remember) but they have exactly the above workflow by using only Memory stuff - never found it and probably its non-open-source too (otherwise I would already be aware of it)
- Anything else: no idea, hence, probably there does not exists any library for ICE

Alternatives: oversetMesh or own development.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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