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Difficulty running a user compiled boundary condition in parallel

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Old   July 20, 2021, 02:34
Default Difficulty running a user compiled boundary condition in parallel
Jnana Bhaskar Rao
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 46
Rep Power: 6
jnanabrao is on a distinguished road
Hello Foamers,

I have a problem running my user implemented boundary condition in parallel. The BC reads a field 'R' from constant folder. This filed is not required by the solver and hence needs to be added by the BC object. The patch data of this field is saved as private data member of the BC object.

The boundary condition works in series. In parallel, I face some problems:

1)When using decomposePar, the field cannot be read correctly because it is not decomposed. For the time being, I got around this problem by setting a different BC when running decomposePar and then updating it to my BC as that update is transmitted to all the processors.

2) Even with the above work around there is a second problem. My boundary patch (say "INLET") is entirely present on one processor while the rest of the processors have a dummy patch "INLET" of 0 size. On trying to create the 'R' field for these patches, I get a bad array length error as the 'R' data member is a field and cannot be initialized with 0 size.

3) There are some data members that must be common across all processor boundary patches. However, as far as I can understand, the BC object is being instantiated completely independently in all the processors. Is there a way to make some data members global across all the patch instances?

Any help is highly appreciated.
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