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Manually updating cellDisplacement in displacementMotionSolver

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Old   February 18, 2021, 15:47
Default Manually updating cellDisplacement in displacementMotionSolver
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fabien farella
Join Date: Mar 2016
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I am pushing the displacementSBRStressFvMotionSolver to its limits when trying to run the equivalent of the SnakeRiver canyon, but with much higher resolution and complex topography.
I have modified moveDynamicMesh in order to check if the mesh contains incorrectly oriented face pyramids. It happens quiet often.
If it is the case, I load the mesh (at the end of a pimple loop) using the class Foam::Module:olyMeshGen and untangle it using Foam::Module::meshOptimizer.
I have modified the source of CFmesh in order to do that.
The problem is to re-assign the points back into the motionSolver. I understand I need to reset both the cellDisplacement and the pointDisplacement.
I tried this, but it doesnt work:

displacementSBRStressFvMotionSolver &motionSolver = const_cast<displacementSBRStressFvMotionSolver &>(mesh.lookupObject<displacementSBRStressFvMotionSolver>("dynamicMeshDict"));
const volVectorField oldDisplacement(motionSolver.cellDisplacement());
const pointField oldC(mesh.C());

// Here I optimize the points, where Foam::Module::polyMeshGen &pmg    
const pointField newPoints(optimizePoints(mesh, pmg, meshDict, report));
forAll(cellDisplacement, celli)
    cellDisplacement.primitiveFieldRef()[celli] = oldDisplacement[celli] + (mesh.C()[celli] - oldC[celli]);
forAll(pointDisplacement, pointi)
    pointDisplacement.primitiveFieldRef()[pointi] = newPoints[pointi] - points0[pointi];
The change doesnt need to propagate, as I get again errors the iteration after.
But if i stop the simulation, improve the mesh using improveMeshQuality, and restart the solver, it works fine.
Any idea how to solve this?
Many thanks!!!
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celldisplacement, cfmesh, displacementmotionsolver

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