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Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for turbulent flat plate tutorial

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Old   February 6, 2021, 19:24
Post Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for turbulent flat plate tutorial
New Member
Bartolomeo Fanizza
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 7
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Hi everyone,

I'm recently getting deep with the OpenFOAM tutorial "turbulentFlatPlate". I successfully run the tutorial with the k-epsilon and the k-omega models (already implemented in the tutorial). After that i tried to change the turbulence model with the Spalart Allmaras model.

Firstly i created the folder "0.SpalartAllmaras" with U, p, nut and nuTilda defined inside. Then i modified the fvSolution and fvSchemes and setted the Spalart Allmaras model in the "Allrun" script. When i run the simulation i get this error:
Processing model: SpalartAllmaras
Mesh: y+ 5
Running blockMesh on /mnt/d/OpenFOAM/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/myTurbulentFlatPlate
Running simpleFoam on /mnt/d/OpenFOAM/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/myTurbulentFlatPlate
/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v2012/bin/tools/RunFunctions: line 208: 1449 Aborted (core dumped) $appRun $appArgs "$@" > $logFile 2>&1
UInf = 69.4

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2012)
Cannot open file "/Cx"

From int main(int, char**)
in file foamDictionary.C at line 381.

FOAM exiting

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2012)
Cannot open file "/wallShearStress"

From int main(int, char**)
in file foamDictionary.C at line 381.

FOAM exiting

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2012)
Cannot open file "/yPlus"

From int main(int, char**)
in file foamDictionary.C at line 381.

FOAM exiting

line 0: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
mv: missing destination file operand after 'SpalartAllmaras_5.'
Try 'mv --help' for more information.
I attach also the log.simpleFoam.SpalartAllmaras_5 file:
Time = 1

smoothSolver: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.99999996, Final residual = 0.099728476, No Iterations 6
smoothSolver: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.098134901, No Iterations 4
GAMG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.070155783, No Iterations 1
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.00015664099, global = -0.00011696996, cumulative = -0.00011696996

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2012)
cannot be called for a calculatedFvPatchField
on patch inlet of field nuTilda in file "/mnt/d/OpenFOAM/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/myTurbulentFlatPlate/0/nuTilda"
You are probably trying to solve for a field with a default boundary condition.

From Foam::tmp<Foam::Field<Type> > Foam::calculatedFvPatchField<Type>::gradientIntern alCoeffs() const [with Type = double]
in file fields/fvPatchFields/basic/calculated/calculatedFvPatchField.C at line 188.

FOAM aborting

#0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
#1 Foam::error::exitOrAbort(int, bool) at ??:?
#2 Foam::calculatedFvPatchField<double>::gradientInte rnalCoeffs() const at ??:?
#3 Foam::fv::gaussLaplacianScheme<double, Foam::SymmTensor<double> >::fvmLaplacianUncorrected(Foam::GeometricField<do uble, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&) at ??:?
#4 Foam::fv::gaussLaplacianScheme<double, double>::fvmLaplacian(Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&) at ??:?
#5 Foam::fv::laplacianScheme<double, double>::fvmLaplacian(Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&) at ??:?
#6 Foam::tmp<Foam::fvMatrix<double> > Foam::fvm::laplacian<double, double>(Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&) at ??:?
#7 Foam::tmp<Foam::fvMatrix<double> > Foam::fvm::laplacian<double, double>(Foam::tmp<Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> > const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&) at ??:?
#8 Foam::RASModels::SpalartAllmaras<Foam::Incompressi bleTurbulenceModel<Foam::transportModel> >::correct() at ??:?
#9 ? at ??:?
#10 __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#11 ? at ??:?

I don't know if i need to adjust something yet or if I'm taking a wrong method from the beginning. I really want to understand how to fix the problem and i would be glad if someone can help me (even a clear tutorial link can be helpfull) to understand how to implement a different turbulence model in a openfoam tutorial.
I attach also the folder i prepared for the simulation in the zip format in case you need to take a look to others files.

Thank you


Attached Files
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Last edited by Bartholomew; February 7, 2021 at 16:46.
Bartholomew is offline   Reply With Quote


flat plate, openfoam, ras, spalart allamaras, turbulence

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