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Urgent, trouble with mesh decomposition method on Ubuntu WSL

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Old   October 19, 2020, 03:58
Default Urgent, trouble with mesh decomposition method on Ubuntu WSL
New Member
Huy Quang Dong
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 19
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Hello all,

I hope to get some help with my case's setting.

I'm trying to apply the blastfoam solver for my simulation.

I'm running openfoam 7 on ubuntu 20.04 WSL 2.

my desktop have 20 sockets (40 CPUs) with 64 Gb ram.

I've started with a simple tutorial case (3D Buildingworkshop from blastfoam tutorial) where the meshing is doned with snappyhexmesh for a L Wall.

I've run the tutorial in parallel mode with scotch mesh decoposition methos and everything was fine (fo 1000 ms of explosion).

When i replace the simple wall with my geometry : a close compartement with some window to evacuate the overpressure wave, the simulation is always crashed. For this case, i need to simulate at least 500 ms of explosion but the best time i have before the crash thing happens is 120 ms.

No source of error to dig in, just some info like below :

Calculating Fluxes
max(p): 533983, min(p): 36334.3
max(T): 1741.93, min(T): 240.857
ExecutionTime = 18064.9 s ClockTime = 18175 s

Mean and max Courant Numbers = 0.069117 0.689002
deltaT = 7.69231e-06
Time = 0.0154076923077

Selected 15422 cells for refinement out of 2024383.
Refined from 2024383 to 2132337 cells.
Selected 14528 split points out of a possible 129288.
Unrefined from 2132337 to 2030641 cells.
Calculating Fluxes
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node F20-5245-4 exited on signal 9 (Killed).

The checkMesh is ok. I've try others decoposition method (simple, hierarchical) but the simualiton is always crashed.

Maybe the error come from the boundary condition. However with the same boundary condition, the tutorial case runs well.

Which is the best way to decompose mesh in openfoam with a complicated structure inside the domain. Here the strcuture from stl is not meshed, just cut out from the mesh block and all the wall will become type wall in the simulation. Is there and caution for the decomposition of complicated wall over many meshes?

My case is attached. Thanks in advance!
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blastfoam, decomposed mesh, decoposepar, scotch

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