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Cutting cells for constructing alpha=0.5

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Old   May 20, 2020, 14:46
Default Cutting cells for constructing alpha=0.5
New Member
Yağmur GÜLEÇ
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 9
Rep Power: 12
yagmur_89 is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,

I tried to cut the cells to find isoSurface at 0.5 volume fraction for a VOF application using the isoAdvector concept devised by

Roenby, J., Bredmose, H., & Jasak, H. (2016). A computational method for sharp interface advection. Royal Society open science, 3(11), 160405.

I compiled codes from for Foam extend 4.1 version. First, I constructed an icc object isoCutCell icc(mesh,alpha1) using the volume fraction field and mesh itself. Then, to compute which cells are cut by0.5 volume fraction.

label cellStatus = icc.calcSubCell(ci,0.5);

To calculate surface areas and to visualize the concerning variable I created volVectorField called temp to save the surface areas for cells that were cut by 0.5 volume fraction.
label cellStatus = icc.calcSubCell(ci,1);
//label cellStatus=icc.vofCutCell(ci,0.5,1e-3,100);

if (cellStatus == 0)

temp.internalField()[ci]= icc.isoFaceArea();


However, the problem is that the areas saved in temp field is in very irrelevant positions, as seen in Fig in the attachment. What could be the reason? Should I

use the code below

label cellStatus=icc.vofCutCell(ci,0.5,1e-3,100) instead of label cellStatus = icc.calcSubCell(ci,1); ? What are the differences between them?

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
Attached Images
File Type: jpg isoCutCells.jpg (30.8 KB, 15 views)
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interface contruction, isoadvector, isocutcell

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