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WLF from OF7

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Old   April 24, 2020, 08:11
Default WLF from OF7
New Member
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 10
Rep Power: 9
Pisolino85 is on a distinguished road
Dear all,
i'm trying to use the new WLF feature of OF7 with Cross Power Law to model a polymer CROSS-WLF behavior. According from the code and the commit it can be performed however i'm stuck with an error and there is no tutorial that can help me.

I'm a low-level user (i.e. never compiled a personal solver).

I started from a compressible interFOAM sloshingtank2d.

The cross power law for water seems ok in transportProperties
phases (water air);

//    transportModel  Newtonian;
//    nu              1e-06;
//    rho             998.2;

      transportModel powerLaw;
        nuMax    [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1e-03;
        nuMin    [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1e-05;
        k        [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1e-05;
        n        [ 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;


    transportModel  Newtonian;
    nu              1.48e-05;
    rho             1;

sigma           0;
While i'm having troubles for WLF model in thermophysicalProperties:
    type            heRhoThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       WLF; //const 
    thermo          eConst;
    equationOfState perfectGas;  //perfectFluid
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleInternalEnergy;

        molWeight   18.0;
        R           3000;
        rho0        1027;
     //   Cv          4195;  //perfect fluid
        Cp          4195;  //perfect gas
        Hf          0;
   //     mu          3.645e-4;
        mu0         4.76e1;
        Tr          373.15;
        C1          25.7;
        C2          61.06;
        Pr          2.289;
the error given is not so useful for me to solve the problem:

Selecting thermodynamics package 
    type            heRhoThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       WLF;
    thermo          hConst;
    equationOfState perfectGas;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleInternalEnergy;

Unknown rhoThermo type 
    type            heRhoThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       WLF;
    thermo          hConst;
    equationOfState perfectGas;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleInternalEnergy;

Valid rhoThermo types are:

heRhoThermo  homogeneousMixture         const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        

heRhoThermo  homogeneousMixture         const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  homogeneousMixture         sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  homogeneousMixture         sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  inhomogeneousMixture       const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  inhomogeneousMixture       const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  inhomogeneousMixture       sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  inhomogeneousMixture       sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       eConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       eConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       eConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       eConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       eConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       hConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       hConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      const       hConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      polynomial  hPolynomial  icoPolynomial             specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      polynomial  hPolynomial  icoPolynomial             specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  multiComponentMixture      sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                WLF         eConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       eConst       Boussinesq                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       eConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       eConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       eConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       Boussinesq                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       Boussinesq                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                const       hConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                polynomial  hPolynomial  PengRobinsonGas           specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                polynomial  hPolynomial  icoPolynomial             specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                polynomial  hPolynomial  icoPolynomial             specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                polynomial  janaf        PengRobinsonGas           specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       Boussinesq                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       Boussinesq                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       PengRobinsonGas           specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  janaf        Boussinesq                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  janaf        Boussinesq                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  pureMixture                sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       eConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       eConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       eConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       eConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       eConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       hConst       adiabaticPerfectFluid     specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       hConst       perfectFluid              specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            const       hConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            polynomial  hPolynomial  icoPolynomial             specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            polynomial  hPolynomial  icoPolynomial             specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  reactingMixture            sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  singleStepReactingMixture  sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  singleStepReactingMixture  sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleInternalEnergy  
heRhoThermo  veryInhomogeneousMixture   const       hConst       incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  veryInhomogeneousMixture   const       hConst       perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  veryInhomogeneousMixture   sutherland  janaf        incompressiblePerfectGas  specie  sensibleEnthalpy        
heRhoThermo  veryInhomogeneousMixture   sutherland  janaf        perfectGas                specie  sensibleEnthalpy        

    From function static typename Table::iterator Foam::basicThermo::lookupThermo(const Foam::dictionary&, Table*, int, const char**, const Foam::word&) [with Thermo = Foam::rhoThermo; Table = Foam::HashTable<Foam::autoPtr<Foam::rhoThermo> (*)(const Foam::fvMesh&, const Foam::word&), Foam::word, Foam::string::hash>; typename Table::iterator = Foam::HashTable<Foam::autoPtr<Foam::rhoThermo> (*)(const Foam::fvMesh&, const Foam::word&), Foam::word, Foam::string::hash>::iterator]
    in file lnInclude/basicThermoTemplates.C at line 46.

FOAM exiting

Does anyone have any suggestion or tutorial on how to use properly WLF model ? If not i hope this will be the first WLF tutorial for OF
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Old   April 24, 2020, 12:37
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 494
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clapointe is on a distinguished road
From the information that popped up, you can see that WLF looks to only be compatible with (ie implemented for) eConst/rhoConst -- it is on this line :

heRhoThermo  pureMixture                WLF         eConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy

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Old   April 26, 2020, 07:34
New Member
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Pisolino85 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by clapointe View Post
From the information that popped up, you can see that WLF looks to only be compatible with (ie implemented for) eConst/rhoConst -- it is on this line :

heRhoThermo  pureMixture                WLF         eConst       rhoConst                  specie  sensibleInternalEnergy

really thankyou clapointe.

I followed your advice and it works:

type heRhoThermo;
mixture pureMixture;
transport WLF; //const in tutorial
thermo eConst;
equationOfState rhoConst; //perfectFluid in tutorial
specie specie;
energy sensibleInternalEnergy;

However this is a bad notice for me since to model correctly a melt polymer in injection molding we need also a compressible formulation (Tait equation) that this CROSS-WLF model doesn't support.

By the way thank you for the answer and sorry for my silly question ( i didn't noticed the WLF suggestion from OF in my first attempts).

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