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Bachelor thesis visco(elastic) fluid / Help for a beginner

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Old   October 31, 2019, 05:08
Default Bachelor thesis visco(elastic) fluid / Help for a beginner
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Join Date: Oct 2019
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bachelor is on a distinguished road
Hey there,

i am an absolutely beginner in OpenFoam, had some issues with the installation, but now it's working. At least the tutorials i tried. Now, i started with my bachelorthesis, but don't know, how to start and i hope you can help me, where and how to begin

In the thesis i want to simulate a flow of a visco(elastic) fluid.

My goal is:
- 3D simulation of a viscoelastic material

- a box, which contains the fluid (like a glass of water)

- a surface, which puts the top surface of this fluid in a kind of spheric shape (first step would be a half-sphere and then adjust it to a more complex aspheric geometry)
- remove the shape/surface and adjust the parameter of the fluid, so that the relaxation/behavior of the fluid comes up with the real behavior of this fluid

Therefore my supervisor recommended the case "breaking of a dam" and then adjust the different parameter.

At the moment I don't know where to start, my supervisors don't work with OpenFoam, so i can't ask them.

Do you maybe have any suggestions, what's the best way to start and learn OpenFoam, especially for this case? Is this case suitable for my problem? Can i start with this tutorial case and change step by step the case ( like 2d -> 3d , fluid is filled in the whole box, the sharp straight surface gets a spheric surface, ....) or is there another (better) way?

Thanks a lot for helping!
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Old   November 5, 2019, 15:27
Torsten Schenkel
Join Date: Jan 2014
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Hi, haven't looked into viscoelastic models in detail, but will need to do so soon.

Based on my limited research I found that foam-extend may be a better starting point, since it already has quite a few viscoelastic models implemented already.

On my installation:

[acests3@zbook15 foam]$ ls foam-extend-4.0/src/transportModels/viscoelastic/viscoelasticLaws/
DCPP EPTT FENE-CR FENE-P Feta-PTT Giesekus Leonov linearMaxwell LPTT multiMode Oldroyd-B S_MDCPP UCM viscoelasticLaw WhiteMetzner XPP_DE XPP_SE

All the usual suspects are present. Just checked foam-extend-4.1 and that has the same set.

foam-extend is not quite as polished and may have a steeper learning curve, but it is where the interesting things happen.

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Old   November 21, 2019, 08:03
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Join Date: Oct 2019
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bachelor is on a distinguished road
Thank you for your answer. I finally made the installation of the extended version work, but now i have some more questions

Do you know, if the viscoelasticFluidFoam is able to solve problems like "mesh morphing" or "dynamic mesh"?

What I'm trying to do now:
I would lik to have a start geometry (which was forced in this shape) and an end geometry (the origin shape of the "fluid").
By adjusting the parameters of the solver I would like to influence the relaxation.

Does anybody know how to handle this?
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beginners, dambreak 3d, multiphase flow, viscocity, viscoelasticfluid

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