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blockMeshDict of airfoil in circular rotor

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Old   January 13, 2019, 09:23
Smile blockMeshDict of airfoil in circular rotor
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 8
sanket1527 is on a distinguished road
Hello CFD Online family

I am used to being familiar with OpenFOAM. I am making NACA0018 Airfoil in rotor but i got the error below:

Invalid arc definition - are the points co-linear? Denom =0

From function cylindricalCS arcEdge::calcAngle()
in file curvedEdges/arcEdge.C at line 55.

Could some please explain this error? It would be a great help.

I attach my blockDictMesh file.

convertToMeters 1;

// R circle front
(-1.4148 -1.4148 0) //0
( 1.4148 -1.4148 0) //1
( 1.4148 1.4148 0) //2
(-1.4148 1.4148 0) //3
(0 0 0) //4
(0.1000 0.07024 0) //5
(0.1000 -0.07024 0) //6
(1 0.00189 0) //7
(1 -0.00189 0) //8

// R circle back
(-1.4148 -1.4148 1) //9
( 1.4148 -1.4148 1) //10
( 1.4148 1.4148 1) //11
(-1.4148 1.4148 1) //12
(0 0 1) // 13
(0.1000 0.07024 1) //14
(0.1000 -0.07024 1) //15
(1 0.00189 1) //16
(1 -0.00189 1) //17

hex (0 6 5 3 9 15 14 12) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //0
hex (0 1 8 6 9 10 17 15) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //1
hex (1 2 7 8 10 11 16 17) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //2
hex (2 3 5 7 11 12 14 16) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //3


spline 4 5
(0.0125 0.02841 0)
(0.0250 0.03922 0)
(0.0500 0.05332 0)
(0.0750 0.06300 0)

spline 5 7
(0.1500 0.08018 0)
(0.2000 0.08606 0)
(0.2500 0.08912 0)
(0.3000 0.09003 0)
(0.4000 0.08705 0)
(0.5000 0.07941 0)
(0.6000 0.06845 0)
(0.7000 0.05496 0)
(0.8000 0.03935 0)
(0.9000 0.02172 0)
(0.9500 0.01210 0)

spline 4 6
(0.0125 -0.02841 0)
(0.0250 -0.03922 0)
(0.0500 -0.05332 0)
(0.0750 -0.06300 0)

spline 6 8
(0.1500 -0.08018 0)
(0.2000 -0.08606 0)
(0.2500 -0.08912 0)
(0.3000 -0.09003 0)
(0.4000 -0.08705 0)
(0.5000 -0.07941 0)
(0.6000 -0.06845 0)
(0.7000 -0.05496 0)
(0.8000 -0.03935 0)
(0.9000 -0.02172 0)
(0.9500 -0.01210 0)

arc 7 8 (1 0 0)

spline 13 14
(0.0125 0.02841 1)
(0.0250 0.03922 1)
(0.0500 0.05332 1)
(0.0750 0.06300 1)

spline 14 16
(0.1500 0.08018 1)
(0.2000 0.08606 1)
(0.2500 0.08912 1)
(0.3000 0.09003 1)
(0.4000 0.08705 1)
(0.5000 0.07941 1)
(0.6000 0.06845 1)
(0.7000 0.05496 1)
(0.8000 0.03935 1)
(0.9000 0.02172 1)
(0.9500 0.01210 1)

spline 13 15
(0.0125 -0.02841 1)
(0.0250 -0.03922 1)
(0.0500 -0.05332 1)
(0.0750 -0.06300 1)

spline 15 17
(0.1500 -0.08018 1)
(0.2000 -0.08606 1)
(0.2500 -0.08912 1)
(0.3000 -0.09003 1)
(0.4000 -0.08705 1)
(0.5000 -0.07941 1)
(0.6000 -0.06845 1)
(0.7000 -0.05496 1)
(0.8000 -0.03935 1)
(0.9000 -0.02172 1)
(0.9500 -0.01210 1)

arc 16 17 (1 0 1)

arc 0 3 (-2 0 0)
arc 3 2 (0 2 0)
arc 2 1 (2 0 0)
arc 1 0 (0-2 0)

arc 9 12 (-2 0 1)
arc 12 11 (0 2 1)
arc 11 10 (2 0 1)
arc 10 9 (0-2 1)

type patch;
(0 3 12 9)

type patch;
(1 10 2 11)


type empty;
(0 6 5 3) //front
(0 1 8 6)
(1 2 7 8)
(2 3 5 7)

(9 15 14 12) // back
(9 10 17 15)
(10 11 16 17)
(11 12 14 16)

(2 11 12 3) // top
(0 9 10 1) // bottom


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