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solver for 3-phase reactive flow

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Old   September 3, 2018, 05:37
Question solver for 3-phase reactive flow
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Lucas David
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Aix-en-Provence, France
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Hello everyone,

I am a PhD student working on sodium-water reaction.
I study it in various ways (experimental, analytical) and I am also trying to run a numerical simulation of a particular configuration.
It is a rather complex problem and I am new to OpenFoam, so before I commit into a few weeks / months of work to get familiar with the code and model my problem, I'd like to ask experienced users:
  1. Do you think OpenFoam is an appropriate tool and features all the capabiities for running my simulation ?
  2. What would be the best solver to use for that problem ?
What follows is a brief description of the configuration I want to simulate, and I join illustrations. Thank you a lot in advance for your advice.

Sodium-water reaction is a 3-phase flow problem (liquid sodium, liquid water, and multi-component gas). The reaction produces hydrogen gas which separates reactants. They diffuse through that gas to react. When sodium is still at low temperature, water vapor diffuses through the gas film and reacts at the surface of sodium. When sodium gets warmer than 800K it starts producing vapor and the reaction becomes a diffusion flame in the gas phase. To summarize, the problem features:
  • 2 liquid phases and a multi-component gas (compressible) ;
  • An exothermic, instantaneous chemical reaction that can take 2 forms (surface or gas-phase, see images attached)
  • Phase-change (evaporation) at both interfaces ;
  • Mass and heat diffusion ;
  • A shock wave (ultimately, we should observe an explosion).

I illustrated this with a few schematics that are available at :

Well, that's it, thank you very much for taking a look and telling me what you think, it can help me save a lot, lot of time !
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combustion, multiphase flow, phase change

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