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Assign a Euler value to a lagrangian particle

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Old   July 22, 2018, 14:13
Default Assign a Euler value to a lagrangian particle
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 10
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Lighto is on a distinguished road
Hello foamers,

I have a simple question (even though I'm struggling to find an answer...)

I want to assign a value coming from an Euler volume field to a lagrangian particle. The idea is that if a particle belongs to a cell where, from the solution of the Euler equation, there is a certain value of U, fvc::grad(U), and so on, that particle should have assigned that U, fvc::grad(U), etc...

I searched in the lagrangian libraries and I found that in the folder Intermediate > parcels > Templates > KinematicParcel there are some files that do that (for example) for the velocity U. I want to do the same for another scalar volume field that I have created on my own, but I didn't managed to do so.

I copied-paste all the lines that include U and replaced "U" with my scalar volume field "Stress" (also replaced "vector" with "scalar" when necessary). For example in file KinematicParcel.C I've added the lines
in the constructors.
In the file KinematicParcel.H (that is called at the very first lines of the file *.C) I've added
scalar Stress_
in the Parcel properties. In the same file, in access and edit sections
// Access
    //- Return const access to scalar stress
    inline scalar Stress() const

// Edit
    //- Return access to scalar stress
    inline scalar& Stress()
Finally, to write a output file for Scalar I've also modified (with the same "phylosophy" above) the file KinematicParcelIO.H

But, when I try to compile with wmake all, the error is:
lnInclude/KinematicParcel.H:438:27: warning: inline function ‘Foam::scalar Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::Stress() const [with ParcelType = Foam::particle; Foam::scalar = double]’ used but never defined [enabled by default]
             inline scalar Stress() const;
I have already defined Scalar in the createFields.H file.

Any idea to fix that?

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kinematicparcel, lagrangian, openfoam 4.0 extend, output, volscalafield

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