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Reviving the Turbulence SIG

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Old   May 7, 2018, 12:14
Default Reviving the Turbulence SIG
Senior Member
Timofey Mukha
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 119
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tiam is on a distinguished road
Dear foamers,

The Turbulence Special Interest Group (SIG) has been established years ago. Unfortunately, as far as I know, it has been quite dead for at least the last five years. I think it would be great to have a platform that gathered those actively working with turbulence and OpenFOAM. Therefore, I would like to see a revival of the SIG in some form or the other.

Here, I propose we discuss if this is a good idea, and if it is, what exactly we want from the SIG and how to manage it.

Here is my view. Based on the wiki page of the SIG
quite ambitious goals were set up, e.g. tutorials, validations etc. While I think this is great, such things require a lot of coordinated effort and I don't think that there is enough people that have enough time to do such things. Hence, I think the objective of the SIG should be modest and at least in the beginning require minimal involvement from it's members.

As a start, I think it would be enough if we manage to map the people active in turbulence and OF, invite them to the group, and have a curated, regularly updated list on the wiki page. Potentially, a list of relevant publications can be maintained.
The job of the SIG admin would be to ping the members, say, once in 6 months to keep track of who is still active. All the members are obliged to do is answer that one e-mail. Potentially, this could lead to a creation of healthy network and lead to something bigger.
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