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Inflow moving in wrong direction

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Old   April 28, 2018, 02:57
Exclamation Inflow moving in wrong direction
New Member
Kahlil Fredrick Cui
Join Date: Apr 2018
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I am simulating a very simple scenario of fluid entering through an inflow patch, overcoming a static boundary and exiting through an outflow. Very similar to the weir overflow in interfoam. My problem is that, instead of flowing in the x-direction, the flow goes up! I tried my boundary conditions on the blockMesh of the dambreak example, and it seemed to work fine, indicating that the problem is with my geometry.

Here is my blockMesh
convertToMeters 1;

    (0 0 0)//0
    (2 0 0)//1
    (3 0 0)//2
    (5 0 0)//3
    (0 1 0)//4
    (2 1 0)//5
    (3 1 0)//6
    (5 1 0)//7
    (0 1.5 0)//8
    (2 1.5 0)//9
    (3 1.5 0)//10
    (5 1.5 0)//11
    (0 5 0)//12
    (2 5 0)//13
    (3 5 0)//14
    (5 5 0)//15

    (0 0 0.5)//16
    (2 0 0.5)//17
    (3 0 0.5)//18
    (5 0 0.5)//19
    (0 1 0.5)//20
    (2 1 0.5)//21
    (3 1 0.5)//22
    (5 1 0.5)//23
    (0 1.5 0.5)//24
    (2 1.5 0.5)//25
    (3 1.5 0.5)//26
    (5 1.5 0.5)//27
    (0 5 0.5)//28
    (2 5 0.5)//29
    (3 5 0.5)//30
    (5 5 0.5)//31

    hex (0 1 5 4 16 17 21 20) (30 30 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (2 3 7 6 18 19 23 22) (30 30 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (4 5 9 8 20 21 25 24) (30 15 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (6 7 11 10 22 23 27 26) (30 15 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (8 9 13 12 24 25 29 28) (30 60 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (9 10 14 13 25 26 30 29) (30 60 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (10 11 15 14 26 27 31 30) (30 60 15) simpleGrading (1 1 1)


	type patch;
	    (0 16 20 4)
	type patch;
	    (7 23 19 3)
        type wall;
            (4 20 24 8)
            (8 24 28 12)
        type wall;
            (11 27 23 7)
            (15 31 27 11)
        type wall;
            (0 1 17 16)
            (1 5 21 17)
            (9 10 26 25)
            (10 6 22 26)
            (6 2 18 22)
            (2 3 19 18)
        type patch;
            (12 28 29 13)
            (14 13 29 30)
            (14 30 31 15)
As you can see it is extremely simple. Its pretty much like an overgrown dambreak which is why i don't understand the problem.
To further clarify my U:
dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];

internalField   uniform (0 0 0);

        type            fixedValue;
	value		uniform (1 0 0);
        type            zeroGradient;
        type            fixedValue;
        value           uniform (0 0 0);
        type            fixedValue;
        value           uniform (0 0 0);
        type            fixedValue;
        value           uniform (0 0 0);
        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
        value           uniform (0 0 0);
        type            empty;
and p:
dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];

internalField   uniform 0;

	type		zeroGradient;
        type            totalPressure;
        p0              uniform 0;
        U               U;
        phi             phi;
        rho             rho;
        psi             none;
        gamma           1;
        value           uniform 0;

        type            fixedFluxPressure;
        value           uniform 0;

        type            fixedFluxPressure;
        value           uniform 0;

        type            fixedFluxPressure;
        value           uniform 0;

        type            totalPressure;
        p0              uniform 0;
        U               U;
        phi             phi;
        rho             rho;
        psi             none;
        gamma           1;
        value           uniform 0;

        type            empty;
are as follows.

The simulation results are attached as an image.
The error might be very simple. If you could just point me in the right direction, i'd be really grateful!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg big dambreak.jpg (95.6 KB, 19 views)
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Old   May 1, 2018, 15:21
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Marco A. Turcios
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Hi there,

Could you upload a stripped version of your case with all the BC's. I'm thinking perhaps your alpha field might have issues? If you suspect your geometry, does checkmesh work?
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Old   May 1, 2018, 22:22
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Kahlil Fredrick Cui
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Thanks for the response, but I already figured out the error. I should've updated this question then. I apologize.

I actually found out that one of my floor faces was undefined. Weird thing was it didn't turn up during checkMesh. When I re-created the whole mesh, I found out I neglected one face. I also didn't expect the fluid to behave that way as a reaction to a missing face.

Hope my error becomes a lesson for someone else.
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dambreak, inflow bc, outflow bc

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