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how to output a solved parameter of an equation?

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Old   February 13, 2018, 13:49
Default how to output a solved parameter of an equation?
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Katsantonis Michalis
Join Date: Dec 2017
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hello everyone,

Let's say i want to write each writeInterval the Nusselt number for every cell (or the average Nu number for the whole domain, even better), which is solved in the heatTransferModels/RanzMarshall/RanzMarshall.C let's say, in the twoPhaseEulerFoam solver.

How does somebody do that?
Thank you
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Old   February 13, 2018, 14:19
Knut Erik T. Giljarhus
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One option is to modify the solver, look in "createFields.H" and add a new volScalarField here for Nu. With the AUTO_WRITE option this will be written when the other fields are written. Then add the code to calculate the Nusselt number at a suitable place in the solver, and recompile the solver. To get the average number you can then use the normal function object functionality to calculate averages.

It's a bit cumbersome, but should teach you a bit about the inner workings of OpenFOAM for further development later
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Old   February 14, 2018, 15:17
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Katsantonis Michalis
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thanx for the "espresso" reply!

I 've tried your way, but it did not work. What you are saying may seem to work (it's a guess of mine) in cases like the wall heat flux. I'm modeling heat transfer in solid/gas fluidized beds, where the Nusselt number is between particle and gas.

The particle Nusselt number is calculated inside the twoPhaseEulerFoam's code and is used in the enthalpy equation, i think.
I am giving you the location in the solver:

Foam::heatTransferModels::RanzMarshall::K() const
    volScalarField Nu(scalar(2) + 0.6*sqrt(pair_.Re())*cbrt(pair_.Pr()));

       *max(pair_.dispersed(), residualAlpha_)
So i need to extract this "Nu", besides the function does not return it (and the "Re" also).

I have also tried unsuccessfully to extract by modifying my controlDict like that:
functions {     
name4me     {         
type writeRegisteredObject;         
functionObjectLibs ( "" );         
objectNames ("Nu");         
outputControl outputTime;         
outputInterval       1;     } }
but i can't find why it's not detecting it.

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Old   February 14, 2018, 19:18
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Katsantonis Michalis
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thanx for the "espresso" reply!

I 've tried your way, but it did not work. What you are saying may seem to work (it's a guess of mine) in cases like the wall heat flux. I'm modeling heat transfer in solid/gas fluidized beds, where the Nusselt number is between particle and gas.

The particle Nusselt number is calculated inside the twoPhaseEulerFoam's code and is used in the enthalpy equation, i think.
I am giving you the location in the solver:

Foam::heatTransferModels::RanzMarshall::K() const
    volScalarField Nu(scalar(2) + 0.6*sqrt(pair_.Re())*cbrt(pair_.Pr()));

       *max(pair_.dispersed(), residualAlpha_)
So i need to extract this "Nu", besides the function does not return it (and the "Re" also).

I have also tried unsuccessfully to extract by modifying my controlDict like that:
        type writeRegisteredObject;
        functionObjectLibs ( "" );
        objectNames ("Nu");
        outputControl outputTime;
        outputInterval       1;
but i can't find why it's not detecting it.

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Old   February 15, 2018, 01:29
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Uwe Pilz
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I din't know whether you really need each cell. Ususally, I work with sample, which is called afterwards.
Uwe Pilz
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