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General questions of MPPICFoam

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Old   October 18, 2017, 21:59
Unhappy General questions of MPPICFoam
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TurbJet is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

As a green-hand to OF, now I am playing around with the tutorial "GoldSchmit" in MPPICFoam. And I am trying to figure out what are those terms mean in the file KineticCloudProperties. There are few terms really baffle me.

1. in the InjectionModels, what's the size distribution and the value at its bottom?

2. in localInteractionCoeffs, what are the e & mu stands for? and I understand that "type rebound" means when the particles hit the walls, they will just rebound. but I am wondering is there any other type, say like "stick" to the wall?

3. what are the "implicitCoeffs" and "explicitCoeffs" stand for?

Thanks, guys.
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Old   August 11, 2023, 08:46
Default reply to few question that i know
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 35
Rep Power: 3
Desimuser1 is on a distinguished road
1. in the InjectionModels, what's the size distribution and the value at its bottom?

2. in localInteractionCoeffs, what are the e & mu stands for? and I understand that "type rebound" means when the particles hit the walls, they will just rebound. but I am wondering is there any other type, say like "stick" to the wall?

3. what are the "implicitCoeffs" and "explicitCoeffs" stand for?

Thanks, guys.

size distribution is where you give variety of type of sizes like
rosin ramller

value is size of the particle (probably in your case)

there are other types as well
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