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interFoam stops after a while

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Old   June 21, 2017, 23:15
Default interFoam stops after a while
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 184
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Elham is on a distinguished road

I have a 3D channel of air. There are two parallel cyclic walls and two normal walls. The turbulent is generating by mapping the velocity from the middle of the channel to the inlet. The mesh is refined as a sphere in the channel by snappyHexMesh. Then I put a water droplet as big as the sphere in the same location by setFiledDict. When I run interDyMFoam for the first steps the droplet starts moving but at t=0.0005sec it stoppe with the following error:

Not implemented

From function processorCyclic::coupledFvPatchField<Type>::snGrad ()
in file lnInclude/coupledFvPatchField.H at line 153.

I tried to change the mesh or even the size of the droplet but the problem exists. I also tried interFoam but didn't work either.
The reason that I did not directly setFields for locating the droplet is the turbulent flow that makes the droplet explodes. So I map velocity fields from a channel that has a wall sphere instead of a droplet.

Thanks for helping me.

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