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Length scales in LES jet

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Old   October 26, 2016, 14:19
Default Length scales in LES jet
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Join Date: Sep 2016
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UHGAR is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,

Can someone let me know, how to calculate Integral, Taylor and Kolmogrov length scales from oneEqEddy and Smagorinsky model?

oneqEddy is outputting 'k' but not epsilon and Smagorinsky is outputting neither.

1) How can be able to get epsilon ? what relations I need to use between 'k' and 'epsilon' to get three length scales?

2) I heard, LES only models sub grid scales. Is it possible to get Integral length scales from LES simulation? How can I be able to do this?

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Old   October 27, 2016, 10:41
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Timofey Mukha
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Originally Posted by UHGAR View Post
Dear Foamers,

Can someone let me know, how to calculate Integral, Taylor and Kolmogrov length scales from oneEqEddy and Smagorinsky model?

oneqEddy is outputting 'k' but not epsilon and Smagorinsky is outputting neither.

1) How can be able to get epsilon ? what relations I need to use between 'k' and 'epsilon' to get three length scales?

2) I heard, LES only models sub grid scales. Is it possible to get Integral length scales from LES simulation? How can I be able to do this?


1) As you correctly point out the k for LES will only correspond to the energy of the subgrid scales, which you model. To get the the full k you should also add the resolved part of k, which you can get through the diagonal components of the Re-stresses (UPrime2Mean in OpenFOAM).
Dissipation is harder, since it involves derivatives.
The relations connecting k and eps to the Taylor microscale are given on page 2000 of Pope's "Turbulent flows".

Re_L = k^2/(eps*nu)

lambda = sqrt(10)*Re_L^(-1/2), where lambda is the microscale.

2) yes, it is possible, by computing two-point correlations of velocity in space, see the last appendix in

But there is no "neat" way to do this, I had to simply use probes to save the time-series of the velocity field at many points along the desired direction and compute the correlations using these huge datasets.

I realize my answer is perhaps to condensed to be very helpful, but hopefully better than nothing.

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length scales, les jet

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