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case not running

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Old   August 8, 2016, 14:28
Default case not running
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 16
Rep Power: 11
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I am working on Openfoam 1.6-extend. I have a new solver (myTurbDyMFoam)。 It runs on one computer but when I transfer the files to another computer and execute the case it gives me the error :

~/OpenFOAM/dingwen-1.6-ext/run/2p2k6z14R03c$ myTurbDyMFoam
new cannot satisfy memory request.
This does not necessarily mean you have run out of virtual memory.
It could be due to a stack violation caused by e.g. bad use of pointers or an out of date shared library
Aborted (core dumped)

I ran checkMesh and it gave me the result:

Create time

--> FOAM Warning :
From function dlLibraryTable:pen(const fileName& functionLibName)
in file db/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.C at line 86
could not load /home/dingwen/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6-ext/lib/linux64Gcc48DPOpt/ undefined symbol: _ZN4Foam14incompressible8RASModel11printCoeffsEv
--> FOAM Warning :
From function dlLibraryTable:pen(const fileName& functionLibName)
in file db/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.C at line 86
could not load /home/dingwen/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6-ext/lib/linux64Gcc48DPOpt/ undefined symbol: _ZThn200_NK4Foam8polyMesh6pointsEv
Create polyMesh for time = 0

Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: ggi1in/ggi1out
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: ggi4out/ggi4in
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: ggi2out/ggi2in
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: ggi3in/ggi3out
Time = 0

Mesh stats
all points: 280380
live points: 280380
all faces: 554811
live faces: 554811
internal faces: 274437
cells: 138208
boundary patches: 17
point zones: 0
face zones: 12
cell zones: 6

Overall number of cells of each type:
hexahedra: 138208
prisms: 0
wedges: 0
pyramids: 0
tet wedges: 0
tetrahedra: 0
polyhedra: 0

Checking topology...
Boundary definition OK.
Point usage OK.
Upper triangular ordering OK.
Face vertices OK.
*Number of regions: 5
The mesh has multiple regions which are not connected by any face.
<<Writing region information to "0/cellToRegion"

Checking patch topology for multiply connected surfaces ...
Patch Faces Points Surface topology
inlet 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi1in 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
bottom 491 992 ok (non-closed singly connected)
top 491 992 ok (non-closed singly connected)
frontAndBack 276416 280380 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi4out 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
outlet 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi2out 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi3in 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi1out 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi2in 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
cylinder1 154 312 ok (non-closed singly connected)
cylinder1ptc 14 32 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi3out 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
ggi4in 264 530 ok (non-closed singly connected)
cylinder2 154 312 ok (non-closed singly connected)
cylinder2ptc 14 32 ok (non-closed singly connected)

Checking geometry...
This is a 2-D mesh
Overall domain bounding box (-2.2225 -0.58674 0) (2.450973 0.58674 0.00895)
Mesh (non-empty, non-wedge) directions (1 1 0)
Mesh (non-empty) directions (1 1 0)
Mesh (non-empty, non-wedge) dimensions 2
All edges aligned with or perpendicular to non-empty directions.
Boundary openness (4.928279428e-20 -1.267495668e-17 -2.238157657e-14) Threshold = 1e-06 OK.
Max cell openness = 2.8533366e-16 OK.
Max aspect ratio = 35.03147262 OK.
Minumum face area = 4.514138221e-07. Maximum face area = 0.0002265218419. Face area magnitudes OK.
Min volume = 4.040153708e-09. Max volume = 1.006889587e-06. Total volume = 0.04897249045. Cell volumes OK.
Mesh non-orthogonality Max: 43.35474764 average: 4.902691455 Threshold = 70
Non-orthogonality check OK.
Face pyramids OK.
Max skewness = 0.9779241214 OK.

Mesh OK.


What could be going wrong? The code runs fine on one computer but not on a second one.
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