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Old   July 21, 2016, 01:56
Default Problem
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 10
SUBHANKAR is on a distinguished road
Has anyone solved the problem(2D) for flow over a pipe kept in between two infinitely large parallel plates. Inlet conditions : velocity-parabolic in one case and uniform in other case. I am getting "fatal error" when i run the blockmeshdict file.My file is:
convertToMeters 0.1;
(14.142 -14.142 0)
(14.142 14.142 0)
(-14.142 14.142 0)
(-14.142 -14.142 0)
(-28.284 -28.284 0)
(-28.284 28.284 0)
(28.284 28.284 0)
(28.284 -28.284 0)
(28.284 -100 0)
(-28.284 -100 0)
(-1000 -100 0)
(-1000 -28.284 0)
(-1000 28.284 0)
(-1000 100 0)
(-28.284 100 0)
(28.284 100 0)
(1000 100 0)
(1000 28.284 0)
(1000 -28.284 0)
(1000 -100 0)
(14.142 -14.142 1)
(14.142 14.142 1)
(-14.142 14.142 1)
(-14.142 -14.142 1)
(-28.284 -28.284 1)
(-28.284 28.284 1)
(28.284 28.284 1)
(28.284 -28.284 1)
(28.284 -100 1)
(-28.284 -100 1)
(-1000 -100 1)
(-1000 -28.284 1)
(-1000 28.284 1)
(-1000 100 1)
(-28.284 100 1)
(28.284 100 1)
(1000 100 1)
(1000 28.284 1)
(1000 -28.284 1)
(1000 -100 1)


hex(0 7 27 20 1 6 26 21)(40 80 1)simplegrading(0.5 1 1)
hex(2 1 21 22 5 6 26 25)(40 80 1)simplegrading(0.5 1 1)
hex(4 3 23 24 5 2 22 25)(40 80 1)simplegrading(0.5 1 1)
hex(3 0 20 23 4 7 27 24)(40 80 1)simplegrading(0.5 1 1)
hex(7 18 38 27 6 17 37 26)(1000 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 1)
hex(6 17 37 26 15 16 36 35)(1000 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 0.5)
hex(5 6 26 25 14 15 35 34)(40 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 0.5)
hex(12 5 25 32 13 14 34 34 33)(1000 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 0.5)
hex(11 4 24 31 12 5 25 32)(1000 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 1)
hex(10 9 29 30 11 4 24 31)(1000 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 0.5)
hex(9 8 28 29 4 7 27 24)(40 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 0.5)
hex(8 19 39 28 7 18 38 27)(1000 80 1)simplegrading(1 1 0.5)


arc 0 1 (20 0 0)
arc 1 2 (0 20 0)
arc 2 3 (-20 0 0)
arc 3 0 (0 -20 0)
arc 6 7 (40 0 0)
arc 6 5 (0 40 0)
arc 5 4 (-40 0 0)
arc 4 7 (0 -40 0)
arc 20 21 (20 0 1)
arc 21 22 (0 20 1)
arc 22 23 (-20 0 1)
arc 23 20 (0 -20 1)
arc 26 27 (40 0 1)
arc 26 25 (0 40 1)
arc 25 24 (-40 0 1)
arc 24 27 (0 -40 1)

type wall;
(13 14 34 33)
(14 15 35 34)
(15 16 36 35)
(10 30 29 9)
(9 29 28 8)
(8 28 39 19)
(2 22 21 1)
(1 21 20 0)
(0 20 23 3)
(2 3 23 22)
type patch;
(13 33 32 12)
(12 32 31 11)
(11 31 30 10)
type patch;
(36 16 17 37)
(37 17 18 38)
(38 18 19 39)


If anyone has solved this problem can you please share all the relevant files or correct mine. I am new to openfoam and it's not properly documented. Thanks in advance...
SUBHANKAR is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   July 21, 2016, 04:58
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 407
Rep Power: 16
Antimony is on a distinguished road

What exactly does the error message say? It is usually the part after the "Fatal Error" that is most important and most useful in debugging.

Also, where does the error appear? When you run blockMesh or when you run something else?

And please, put the blockMeshDict stuff within a code block. Makes it a lot easier to read.

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Old   July 22, 2016, 13:29
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 10
SUBHANKAR is on a distinguished road
Thanks for replying...The error message showing is:
"ill defined primitiveEntry starting at keyword 'blocks' on line 64 and ending at line 188"

file: /home/subhankar/OpenFOAM/subhankar-3.0.1/run/tutorials/basic/potentialFoam/new/system/blockMeshDict at line 188.

From function primitiveEntry::readEntry(const dictionary&, Istream&)
in file lnInclude/IOerror.C at line 132.

FOAM exiting

This message came aafter running the blockMesh command.
I can't understand the 'mergepatchpair' thing.

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