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3D horizontal axis wind turbine, OpenFOAM beginner

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Old   July 16, 2015, 08:19
Default 3D horizontal axis wind turbine, OpenFOAM beginner
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Hey all.

I want to do a small, relatively simple study of a horizontal-axis wind turbine. At least (like a lot of things), it seems simple in concept. I have not studied CFD before, but some of the concepts seem fairly intuitive.
There're,, and on Youtube which was apparently done using OpenFOAM, but there are no hints on how to recreate their work. I've created a 3D FreeCAD model of the shroud with actuator disk model, but I have no idea (yet) how to define the wind flow, boundaries, rotation, etc.

As this is a side project I might take a lot of time learning how to operate OpenFOAM from scratch - and I'm not exactly a programming or command-line wizard, although I can more or less manage. So if someone can give me guidelines that would be really great.
I'd just like to set up wind flow from one direction, and plop the model in the middle and see what happens, and then try again with the model rotating. I'm sure it's not as simple as that (I'm reading through the documentation in my free time), but any help is appreciated to speed things up!

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