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dsmcFoam RAM and CPU estimation

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Old   December 4, 2014, 06:00
Default dsmcFoam RAM and CPU estimation
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Rostock
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qwert is on a distinguished road
Dear OpenFoamers,
i'm quite new to OF and dsmc, but did my first simple cases with the help of this fantastic forum.
Now, I'm looking forward to solve my first large case (rocket borne instrument for density measurements) and have to make a coarse estimation on RAM and CPU requirements to chose a workstation (or make a decision to compute on a big cluster, to choose the right cluster).
My Case will have approx 5-7 Million Cells (very small scaled geometry; smallest= 0.1 mm) and 50-70 Million (assuming 10 dsmc particles per cell) .
Is anybody there who has an coarse approximation for RAM requirements? I would suggest 128GB could be enough, but its more a feeling from advantages in NS-CFD.
Also I'm trying to estimate CPU. I don't want to wait weeks to have results, due to time pressure (Master Thesis) and a lot of Mesh adaptation work. Could a 2x Intel Xeon E5-2697v3 2.6 2133 deal with this?
Also there is the Idea of GPU-Processing. I read that OpenFoam2.3.0 can handle with GPUP (as was posted here:
Does the dsmcFoam solver offer this also?? Is there anybody with experiences in dsmcFoam and GPU- Processing? Can you recommend this for my as a newbie and semi much linux-experiences (2 month)?

I hope for some nice advices to any of the things involved in this post.

Yours, qwert
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