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cut large geometry into pieces and take results as initial conditions for the next

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Old   November 27, 2014, 05:56
Exclamation cut large geometry into pieces and take results as initial conditions for the next
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Join Date: Nov 2014
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matzkowitzal45443 is on a distinguished road

Hello Foamers,

at he moment I'm working on my bachelor-thesis in mechanical engineering.

My project is about a childrens water play area for a science-center, where I try to reconstruct the real streaming with openFOAM as good as possible.
I'm doing a multiphase simulation (water/air) using interFoam/STLInterFoam with komegaSST.
You can imagine the geometry as a simple rectangular channel with objects like Penstocks and weirs built in it.
At the moment I got stuck and can't even find anything about my problem in literature, so i hope anyone of you guys can give me a tip:

The exhibit has very large dimensions (up to 20 meters long), but there are also very fine elements, which means, that the size of my mesh gets too big to run a simulation.
My idea was, to cut the geometry in a few pieces (with CAD / or blockMesh) and simulate each one after another. The calculated results for an overlaping block or the outlet patch schould be set as initial conditions for the following part.

The first part, ist the most complex, with Penstocks. It has about 3 million cells, the simulation works very well an stable, but i don't know how to continue...
Could anybody help me?
Thanks a lot!


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large geometry, merge, multiphase

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