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How do you prescribe a complex flapping motion in a FSI (icoFsiFoam) simulation

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Old   May 19, 2014, 00:25
Question How do you prescribe a complex flapping motion in a FSI (icoFsiFoam) simulation
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sandeeprmurthy is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I'm new to OpenFOAM, and have been using it as a black box tool (have no understanding of how it works) to try and simulate Fluid structure interactions for an internship.

I was able to find the icoFsiFoam and build a myIcoFsiFoam as per Karl Jacob Maus's instructions.

I wanted to know what steps I should take in-order to prescribe a specific type of motion, to the solid structure, whilst allowing it to deform due to fluid structure interaction.

My intention is to model a wing, executing wing motion, and capture the stress developed in the wing as it moves, both due to the wing motion and the deformation due to FSI effects.

Essentially I want to be able to combine the mesh motion possible in icoDyMFoam and icoFsiFoam.

Please let me know your suggestions.

Thank you
sandeeprmurthy is offline   Reply With Quote


fsi simulations and mesh, mesh 2d, openfoam 1.5-dev

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