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Looking for more details on Openfoam tutorials

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Old   May 18, 2014, 11:13
Default Looking for more details on Openfoam tutorials
New Member
Bálint Komjáti
Join Date: May 2014
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Balux is on a distinguished road
Dear All!

I have just got through the standard openfoam tutorials and would like to continue towards my destination: 3d airfoil simulations.

At this point the whole process became very slow for me since for the relevant, build-in "tutorials" (wingmotion, airfoil2d) there are no step-by-step descriptions available (or I was unable to google them) - how to run them and why they are designed/set up in a way they are as now...

Could anyone help me with the above issue?
Preferably with an online material that gives me full (or at least some ) knowledge of these tutorials?

Would you recommend a different approach (software, tutorial, book, method etc) to speed-up the learning curve and get in-depth knowledge on airfoil CFD simulations?



ps I am a phisicist with some CFD experience and solid hidrodynamics background.
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