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Particle tracking and porous medium filter

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Old   March 3, 2014, 13:25
Exclamation Particle tracking and porous medium filter
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
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UDS_rambler is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody,

I'm new to OF! I'm used to work with fluent but I'd like to move towards OF..
I would like to perform a lagrangian simulation of a chamber, with a particular shape. I want to track the particles within the velocity field, considering a two coupled approach. These particles cannot cross a porous filter which I want to model as a porous medium...
Is this problem solvable directly with the standard solvers or do I have to write the code from scratch?
I tried to find out more about this issue but I'm a little bit confused about how to deal with it. You know, I need to change my forma mentis from fluent user to OF!
I would appreaciate any kind of hint.

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Old   March 4, 2014, 10:39
Sebastian W.
Join Date: Nov 2012
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nero235 is on a distinguished road
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Originally Posted by UDS_rambler View Post
Hi everybody,

I'm new to OF! I'm used to work with fluent but I'd like to move towards OF..
I would like to perform a lagrangian simulation of a chamber, with a particular shape. I want to track the particles within the velocity field, considering a two coupled approach. These particles cannot cross a porous filter which I want to model as a porous medium...
Is this problem solvable directly with the standard solvers or do I have to write the code from scratch?
I tried to find out more about this issue but I'm a little bit confused about how to deal with it. You know, I need to change my forma mentis from fluent user to OF!
I would appreaciate any kind of hint.

Hello Joe,

both things are possible with OpenFOAM and without starting from scratch. For example you can use a incompressible and steady solver 'porousSimpleFoam' to simulate the flow through a porous region. Tutorial cases can be found under
You find the following solvers for lagrangian methods under:

Most of them are however solvers for chemical reactions. I am not sure if one of them is also able to model flow through porous regions. However another possibility is to use swak4Foam where you can easily integrate OpenFOAM LPT libraries (Lagrangian Particle Tracking) into any solver (e.g. porousSimpleFoam). I suggest you run some of these tutorials from both methods and get familiar with OpenFOAM by changing the geometry or boundary conditions.

Hope this helps.

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