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problem viewing cyclic BC SRFSimpleFoam

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Old   February 3, 2014, 15:23
Exclamation problem viewing cyclic BC SRFSimpleFoam
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Oscar Urbina
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Montréal
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Hello Foamers,

I'm trying to simulate a 2 bladed wind turbine with SRFSimpleFoam,

since the 2 blades are identical, my domain is a hallf tube, with a hole in the middle. (i'll attach and image and my blockMeshDict), and the blade will be represented by a force.

i'm using cyclic bc on both sides of the cut (since it's a point-symetric rotating frame , what comes out of one side should come in the other side).

blockMesh compiles well, but when i try to open the case in paraView i get the following error:

More than one patch accessing the same transform but not of the same sign.
patch:cyclic_half1 transform:0 sign:1 current transforms1 0 0)

From function Foam::label Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::addToTransformIndex
const label,
const label,
const bool
) const

in file lnInclude/globalIndexAndTransformI.H at line 240.

FOAM exiting


i've also tried declaring them as a wall and the using the createPatch utility with the same results.

i read some threads and thought it might be the way i declare the faces so i've check out the mixer tutorial ( it also uses the cyclic bc), runned the case once, and then i changed the point locations so that instead of the wedge it would be a half tube like my case, and i got the exact same error message.

i think that paraView has a conflict with cyclic boundaries on the same plane.

cause the case seems to run fine, but i can't see the results in paraView.

so my questions are:

has anyone had a problem like this?

is there another BC that may do the trick? like a point-symetric bc?

i was thinking about using symmetry plane, but does it take into account the rotating frame, with that i mean will it map what come out of one side into the other?

thanks for the help in advance

Attached Images
File Type: jpg wire.jpg (45.0 KB, 33 views)
Attached Files
File Type: txt blockMeshDict.txt (9.9 KB, 4 views)
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Old   February 3, 2014, 15:25
New Member
Oscar Urbina
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Montréal
Posts: 16
Rep Power: 15
oscar_urri is on a distinguished road
i had to declare all boundaries as wall to be able to take the screen shot, i thought i might clear this out to avoid confusion.
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crash, cyclic bc, paraview, srfsimplefoam

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