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Converting cylindrical anisotropic diffusivity comonents into the cartesian setting

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Old   January 29, 2014, 09:47
Default Converting cylindrical anisotropic diffusivity comonents into the cartesian setting
New Member
Sean McGinty
Join Date: Sep 2013
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I am currently solving convection-diffusion with a simple sink term in a cube. The diffusion is anisotropic and the velocity component is unidirectional. I have modified scalarTransportFoam to handle the anisotropic diffusion and sink term.

In reality, my geometry should be cylindrical. The diffusion coefficients I have are D_r, D_theta and Dz (not Dx, Dz and D_z) Furthermore, the unidirectional velocity acts radially (not along z as I have currently).

I think I can modify the geometry to form a 'wedge' rather than a cube, but my question is the following:

Is it possible to modify the code so that my (cylindrical) diffusion coefficients (defined along the r, theta and z directions) and radial velocity magnitude are converted appropriately into the cartesian x,y, z co-ordinate system?

In an ideal word I would be solving in a cylindrical co-ordinate system which is more natural, but I'm not sure if this is possible in FOAM - please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you.
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