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Any hints for user-defined BCs without using groovyBC/Swak4Foam?

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Old   March 21, 2013, 09:22
Question Any hints for user-defined BCs without using groovyBC/Swak4Foam?
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David Long
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Hi Foamers,

as I am not very clear about the idea/principle behind Swak4Foam/groovyBC, so I was wondering, is there some easy way to define some customized boundary conditions?

For instance: assuming inlet z coordinates is from z = 0 m to z = 4 m, I want to define an "alpha 1" source from z =0 to z =2 m at the inlet with a velocity 2 m/s at x-axis, while the pressure of outlet is fixed to 0.

Or more complex, I want the source velocity varying from: Vx = | 2*sin(t* 2*Pi/T) | (absolute value) , where T is the period.

So how to implement these BCs without using predefine Swak4Foam?

Any recommendations or hints will be highly appreciated.
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Old   March 21, 2013, 10:02
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by keepfit View Post
Hi Foamers,

as I am not very clear about the idea/principle behind Swak4Foam/groovyBC, so I was wondering, is there some easy way to define some customized boundary conditions?

For instance: assuming inlet z coordinates is from z = 0 m to z = 4 m, I want to define an "alpha 1" source from z =0 to z =2 m at the inlet with a velocity 2 m/s at x-axis, while the pressure of outlet is fixed to 0.

Or more complex, I want the source velocity varying from: Vx = | 2*sin(t* 2*Pi/T) | (absolute value) , where T is the period.

So how to implement these BCs without using predefine Swak4Foam?

Any recommendations or hints will be highly appreciated.
There is the coded-BC (since OF 2.0) that allows you to include little C++-programs that calculate your BC. If you're fluent in C++ and know the OF-API well then you might be as fast writing your BC with it as you might be with groovyBC.

The expressions you mention would be "pos().z<2 ? 1 : 0" for alpha1 (if I understand your description correctly) and "2*sin(time()*2*pi/42)" (with a period 42) in groovyBC which I think (but I'm biased) is pretty straightforward. It's a bit more typing (but not exactly rocket-science) in coded/C++
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Old   March 21, 2013, 10:13
Default Implement your own Boundary Condition
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There is a tutorial by Hakan Nilsson from Chalmers University on how to implement your own boundary condition. You can find it here:

The tutorial seems to be current as of version 2.0.x.
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Old   March 21, 2013, 14:54
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David Long
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Originally Posted by JR22 View Post
There is a tutorial by Hakan Nilsson from Chalmers University on how to implement your own boundary condition. You can find it here:

The tutorial seems to be current as of version 2.0.x.
Originally Posted by gschaider View Post
There is the coded-BC (since OF 2.0) that allows you to include little C++-programs that calculate your BC. If you're fluent in C++ and know the OF-API well then you might be as fast writing your BC with it as you might be with groovyBC.

The expressions you mention would be "pos().z<2 ? 1 : 0" for alpha1 (if I understand your description correctly) and "2*sin(time()*2*pi/42)" (with a period 42) in groovyBC which I think (but I'm biased) is pretty straightforward. It's a bit more typing (but not exactly rocket-science) in coded/C++
thanks, it's great help.

What I want is to code a small fraction of C++ and make it usable for calculating the specified BCs. The difficult part is the OF-API that operates on the mesh properties like cell faces, coordinates and so on.

In this way I might be able to make a wave-generation BCs with varying the "alpha1" position according to the wave period T and other parameters.
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Old   October 29, 2013, 10:10
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Hi bernard!
Yesterday I started to have a look on swak and in particular the capabilities of groovybc,but in truth i've not understood a lot !(my brain after thesis is cooked!). I was interested to know how to produce the input speed with only conditions of geometric type as you suggested to keepfit for alpha1 but obviously for me is a velocity vector.
The idea is to produce sub-areas without having to change each time the mesh. For example on a square produce strips with input speed not anything. How could I do?
for example
1<x<3, 0<y<1, & 4<x<6, 2<y<3 ecc....

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Old   October 29, 2013, 12:41
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by brocco View Post
Hi bernard!
Yesterday I started to have a look on swak and in particular the capabilities of groovybc,but in truth i've not understood a lot !(my brain after thesis is cooked!). I was interested to know how to produce the input speed with only conditions of geometric type as you suggested to keepfit for alpha1 but obviously for me is a velocity vector.
The idea is to produce sub-areas without having to change each time the mesh. For example on a square produce strips with input speed not anything. How could I do?
for example
1<x<3, 0<y<1, & 4<x<6, 2<y<3 ecc....

That'd be with the ?: operator. For the two rectangles in you example (I guess your & was meant to be a | ) it should be something like

"((1<pos().x && pos().x<3 && 0<pos().y && pos().y<1) || (4<pos().x && pos().x<6 && 2<pos().y && pos().y<3)) ? 1 : 0"

would give the value 1 on these two rectangles and 0 elsewhere
Note: I don't use "Friend"-feature on this forum out of principle. Ah. And by the way: I'm not on Facebook either. So don't be offended if I don't accept your invitation/friend request
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Old   October 30, 2013, 06:56
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thanks a lot!works perfectly...

type groovyBCFixedValue;
valueExpression "((1<pos().x && pos().x<2 && -22<pos().y && pos().y<-21) || (3<pos().x && pos().x<4 && -28<pos().y && pos().y<-26)) ? vector(0,0,0.6) : vector(0,0,0)";


thanks again
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boundary condition, user defined function

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