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valveDetachCyl &valveDetachPort in the boundary file

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Old   March 9, 2013, 20:28
Default valveDetachCyl &valveDetachPort in the boundary file
Senior Member
Sasan Ghomi
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Denmark
Posts: 292
Rep Power: 15
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Dear foamers ,

I am simulating an engine with sonicTurbDyMEngineFoam and simpleEngineTopoFVmesh library....

In a 2D case that mesh generated by using blockMesh there are two boundaries (valveDetachCyl &valveDetachPort) that they dont have any faces in blockMeshDict file....This will lead to creat this boundaries in the boundary file in the polymesh directory...
My problem comes when I generate the mesh by using Gambit... when I use fluentMeshToFoam this will lead to creat boundary file and I cant add a new boundary face manually in the boundary file because I dont know startFace...

please anyone help me? existing of these boundaries in the boundary file (polymesh/boundary) is necessary?

// The FOAM Project // File: blockMeshDict
 =========         | dictionary
 \\      /         | 
  \\    /          | Name:   blockMeshDict
   \\  /           | Family: FoamX configuration file
    \\/            | 
    F ield         | FOAM version: 2.2
    O peration     | Product of Nabla Ltd.
    A and          | 
    M anipulation  | Email:
// FoamX Case Dictionary.

    version         2.0;
    format          ascii;

    root            "/home/warhol/chris/foam/chris2.2/run/tutorials/icoFoam";
    case            "cavity";
    instance        "constant/polyMesh";
    local           "";

    class           dictionary;
    object          blockMeshDict;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //


convertToMeters 0.01;

   // Left bank and centre block, back
    (1 0.25 0)            //0
    (-1 0.25 0)            //1
    (-1 0.25 0)            //2
    (-1.5 0.25 0)        //3
    (-3.5 0.25 0)        //4
    (-4 0.25 0)            //5
    (-4 0.25 0)            //6
    (-5 0.25 0)            //7
    (-1 0.25 -0.3)        //8
    (-1.5 0.25 -0.3)        //9
    (-3.5 0.25 -0.3)        //10
    (-4 0.25 -0.3)        //11
    (-1 0.25 -0.75)        //12
    (-4 0.25 -0.75)        //13
    (1 0.25 -1)        //14
    (-1 0.25 -1)        //15
    (-1 0.25 -1)        //16
    (-4 0.25 -1)        //17
    (-4 0.25 -1)        //18
    (-5 0.25 -1)        //19
    (-1.5 0.25 3)        //20
    (-3.5 0.25 3)        //21

   // Left bank and centre block, front
    (1 -0.25 0)            //22
    (-1 -0.25 0)        //23
    (-1 -0.25 0)        //24
    (-1.5 -0.25 0)        //25
    (-3.5 -0.25 0)        //26
    (-4 -0.25 0)        //27
    (-4 -0.25 0)        //28
    (-5 -0.25 0)        //29
    (-1 -0.25 -0.3)        //30
    (-1.5 -0.25 -0.3)        //31
    (-3.5 -0.25 -0.3)        //32
    (-4 -0.25 -0.3)        //33
    (-1 -0.25 -0.75)        //34
    (-4 -0.25 -0.75)        //35
    (1 -0.25 -1)        //36
    (-1 -0.25 -1)        //37
    (-1 -0.25 -1)        //38
    (-4 -0.25 -1)        //39
    (-4 -0.25 -1)        //40
    (-5 -0.25 -1)        //41
    (-1.5 -0.25 3)        //42
    (-3.5 -0.25 3)        //43

    // Right bank, back
    (1 0.25 0)            //44
    (1.5 0.25 0)        //45
    (3.5 0.25 0)        //46
    (4 0.25 0)            //47
    (4 0.25 0)            //48
    (5 0.25 0)            //49
    (1 0.25 -0.3)        //50
    (1.5 0.25 -0.3)        //51
    (3.5 0.25 -0.3)        //52
    (4 0.25 -0.3)        //53
    (1 0.25 -0.75)        //54
    (4 0.25 -0.75)        //55
    (1 0.25 -1)        //56
    (4 0.25 -1)        //57
    (4 0.25 -1)        //58
    (5 0.25 -1)        //59
    (1.5 0.25 3)        //60
    (3.5 0.25 3)        //61

    // Right bank, front
    (1 -0.25 0)            //62
    (1.5 -0.25 0)        //63
    (3.5 -0.25 0)        //64
    (4 -0.25 0)            //65
    (4 -0.25 0)            //66
    (5 -0.25 0)            //67
    (1 -0.25 -0.3)        //68
    (1.5 -0.25 -0.3)        //69
    (3.5 -0.25 -0.3)        //70
    (4 -0.25 -0.3)        //71
    (1 -0.25 -0.75)        //72
    (4 -0.25 -0.75)        //73
    (1 -0.25 -1)        //74
    (4 -0.25 -1)        //75
    (4 -0.25 -1)        //76
    (5 -0.25 -1)        //77
    (1.5 -0.25 3)        //78
    (3.5 -0.25 3)        //79

   // Centre block
    hex (0 1 15 14 22 23 37 36) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

    // Left bank
    hex (6 7 19 18 28 29 41 40) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //a
    hex (12 13 17 16 34 35 39 38) (20 5 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)        //b
    hex (20 21 4 3 42 43 26 25) (20 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //c
    hex (2 3 9 8 24 25 31 30) (8 6 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //d
    hex (3 4 10 9 25 26 32 31) (20 6 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //e
    hex (4 5 11 10 26 27 33 32) (8 6 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //f

    // Right bank
    hex (49 48 58 59 67 66 76 77) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)        //g
    hex (55 54 56 57 73 72 74 75) (20 5 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)        //h
    hex (61 60 45 46 79 78 63 64) (20 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)        //i
    hex (47 46 52 53 65 64 70 71) (8 6 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //j
    hex (46 45 51 52 64 63 69 70) (20 6 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)        //k
    hex (45 44 50 51 63 62 68 69) (8 6 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)            //l


    wall piston
        (14 36 37 15)
        (16 38 39 17)
        (18 40 41 19)
        (57 75 74 56)
        (59 77 76 58)

    wall liner
        (7 19 41 29)
        (59 49 67 77)

    wall cylinderHead
        (0 1 23 22)
        (2 3 25 24)
        (4 5 27 26)
        (6 7 29 28)
        (45 44 62 63)
        (47 46 64 65)
        (49 48 66 67)

    wall intakePort
        (20 42 25 3)
        (21 4 26 43)

    wall presin
        (20 21 43 42)

    wall exhaustPort
        (60 45 63 78)
        (61 79 64 46)

    wall presout
        (60 78 79 61)

    wall valveCurtainCyl1
        (1 15 37 23)
        (6 28 40 18)

    wall valve1 // bottom
        (12 34 35 13)

    wall valve2 // top
        (8 30 31 9)
        (9 31 32 10)
        (10 32 33 11)

    wall valveCurtainPort1
        (2 24 30 8)
        (12 34 38 16)
        (5 11 33 27)
        (13 17 39 35)

    wall valveDetachCyl1

    wall valveDetachPort1

    wall valveCurtainCyl2
        (0 22 36 14)
        (48 58 76 66)

    wall valve3 // bottom
        (55 73 72 54)

    wall valve4 // top
        (53 71 70 52)
        (52 70 69 51)
        (51 69 68 50)

    wall valveCurtainPort2
        (44 50 68 62)
        (54 56 74 72)
        (47 65 71 53)
        (55 73 75 57)

    wall valveDetachCyl2

    wall valveDetachPort2


// ************************************************************************* //
Thanks and best regards,

Last edited by sasanghomi; March 10, 2013 at 06:35.
sasanghomi is offline   Reply With Quote


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