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What model of turbulence choose to study an external aerodynamics case

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Old   August 23, 2012, 06:45
Default What model of turbulence choose to study an external aerodynamics case
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: France
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raffale is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I'm pretty new in cfd so maybe you'll find my questions basics. What model of turbulence choose to study an external aerodynamic case?

Here is my situation:
I want to model the aerodynamic track of a ship to investigate its effect on a helicopter during landing at the back of the ship. The wind upstream is equal to 12.85 m/s. And my Reynolds number is 10^6-10^7.
My Mesh refinement is not really good but I can't make better because of my computer. I use boundary condition type fan to model the helicopter's rotor.

Until Today I use standard K-Epsilon (High Re) model to perform my calcul but now I'm more experienced and I believe I should use K-Omega SST model. I try to use K-Omega SST model but my results are completely different and it seems that the results are less consistent than for the standard K-Epsilon model. Is it normal?

EDIT: I used simpleFoam to compare the 2 models of turbulence.

Please can you give me your opinion? Maybe I should try an another model of turbulence like K-epsilon (Low Re)

It's been 2 months since I have worked on the standard k-Epsilon model and and I do not need to have a good accuracy for my results. I just want the good behavior of the air. The standard K-Epsilon I used is it enough?


Last edited by raffale; August 24, 2012 at 05:16.
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