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icofoam with temperature and 3D model

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Old   March 8, 2012, 18:13
Default icofoam with temperature and 3D model
New Member
Hsingtzu Wu
Join Date: Feb 2011
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I modeled a 3D rectangle with a hole at its center. the temperature of the hole was higher than the rectangle, and the flow velocity was (0 0 1). the Re # was 196.

I hoped to see that the flow velocity greater along the length of the rectangle than that along the width. So the temperature along the length of the rectangle should be smaller along the length than that along the width. However, I did not see this.

I had some questions about the simulation.
1. how to keep some pressure difference through this simulation? I tried Dirichlet boundary conditions, but they blew up the courant #.
2. why wasn't the velocity increased along the length of the rectangle?
I was wondering if I should change the boundary conditions from "symmetry plane" to "patch"

Here is the link to my file

I would appreciate any help

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