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fieldAverage restarts mid-run

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Old   February 6, 2012, 10:56
Exclamation fieldAverage restarts mid-run
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 54
Rep Power: 17
gfilip is on a distinguished road

I am using the following fieldAverage in my controlDict (1.7.x):

        type            fieldAverage;
        functionObjectLibs ( "" );
        enabled         true;
        cleanRetart     false;
        outputControl   outputTime;
                mean        on;
                prime2Mean  on;
                base        time;

                mean        on;
                prime2Mean  on;
                base        time;
I restarted the case from a previous timestep which contained time-averaged quantities. Upon restarting, the log does say:

fieldAverage: restarting averaging for fields:
    U iters = 11001 time = 0.040993
    p iters = 11001 time = 0.040993
So everything looks fine. As I monitor the written timesteps, I notice that /uniform/fieldAveragingProperties.gz shows the number of iters and total time increasing as expected. This continues until the averaging restarts in the middle of the run with the log file message: regIOobject::readIfModified(): for the controlDict. I did not change anything in the fieldAverage section, but only the writeInterval. So now the total number of iters and time is back to 0 and the averaging has been taking place ever since that random restart.

Could such a restart be caused by modifying parts of the controlDict which are not affecting the fieldAverage part? Is there anything I can do to combine these two time-averaged sets?
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