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error while solving motorBike with simpleFoam or icoFoam

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Old   December 12, 2011, 06:43
Default error while solving motorBike with simpleFoam or icoFoam
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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anjansir is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone.

I've been working through the tutorials and decided to attempt the motobike tutorial.

I manage to generate the mesh using blockmesh, snappyHexMesh.

I can see the wireframe model of the motorBike inside paraFoam.

It appears that this tutorial contains boundary conditions so I assumed I could run icoFoam or simpleFoam to obtain a solution. Is this correct.

In attemp to run icoFoam and simpleFoam is closes by saying the following:

Create time

Create mesh for time = 3

Reading transportProperties

Reading field p

cannot open file

file: /home/adam/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6.x/tutorials/incompressible/sirdmpleFoam/motorBike/3/p at line 0.

From function regIOobject::readStream()
in file db/regIOobject/regIOobjectRead.C at line 62.

FOAM exiting

I looked at the "3" folder which I believe is the final mesh folder and was not able to locate "p at line 0"d

Can anybody please help me in this regard ?

Thanks everyone for the help.
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Old   December 12, 2011, 14:51
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Michael Ahlmann
Join Date: Feb 2010
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danishdude is on a distinguished road
You have to add the -overwrite flag to snappyHexMesh. What's happening is that when snappy runs the castellation step, it outputs the results to a new time directory; when it runs the snapping process, it outputs to yet another time directory, and the same for the layer addition step. This can be useful when you are setting up a new mesh, but in your case, run the following:

snappyHexMesh -overwrite

This will overwrite the original mesh in constant/polyMesh with the newly made snappy mesh.

The other solution is to transfer the mesh from the "3" directory to constant/polyMesh.

Note the error is telling you that it can't find boundary conditions in the "3" directory. This is because snappy does not transfer boundary condition information to the new directories as it generates them.
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icofoam, motorbike, simplefoam

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