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Parallel run of OpenFOAM in linux and windows side by side

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Old   May 31, 2011, 10:10
Question Parallel run of OpenFOAM in linux and windows side by side
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hi all,
I am OpenFOAM user and I will use it for my thesis simulations. but as my university HPC is windows based, I cannot run OpenFOAM in parallel on nodes of HPC. I wanted to know if it is possible to have an OpenFOAM run parallel in linux and windows side by side.(eg. linux as host node and windows as other computing nodes)

thank all in advance...
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Old   June 7, 2011, 09:40
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you should contact Professor Jasak! h.jasak(at) or hrvoje.jasak(at)
He was involved in a microsoft funded project
read beginning Slide 21 =>New Features in Upcoming Release
Native Windows Version of OpenFOAM
form push Major piece of work, actively supported by Microsoft: HPC platform push
(OpenFOAM: Year in Review – p. 21 = Slide 21).

But I do not know if you can get it from him? Tell me your experience what Professor Jasak said please

others worked in the same direction but without success (well german use translate service from google)
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Old   June 9, 2011, 16:43
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thank you elvis for your attention.
but it seems my problem is a BIG problem (according to German web page you sent. so I think I'd better to forget about it as I don't have enough time to find a way to have openfoam parallel in lin and win side by side.
I posted another post in a thread similar to this but the oppsite! I thought if running FLUENT parallel in windows and linux side by side(win as host and linux as computing nodes) is easy, I can install linux on all computing nodes and use them to run parallel openfoam. this way other students will have no problem running fluent, too.
the thread is :
do you have any idea about that?

anyway thank you ...
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Old   June 23, 2011, 07:53
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Greetings m2montazari,

I guess I'm a bit late to reply, but I only saw this thread the other day, so I don't know if you've found a solution by now.

I would like to add to this thread to tell you that there are a few other possibilities for running OpenFOAM in Windows, which are listed here: Cross Compiling OpenFOAM in Linux For Windows with MinGW - Section "Other Important Links"
As the title indicates, these are mostly cross-compiling solutions, namely built in Linux for running in Windows. They are not likely to be faster than a native build such as the one developed by Professor Jasak, but at least a few versions are out there, some open and free (and barely supported) and others with paid support.

As for using both Linux and Windows machines, it really depends on the type of work scheme you are looking for:
  1. Linux client with Windows cluster;
  2. Linux cluster + Windows cluster.
If it's the first one, it shouldn't too difficult to pull it off
If it's the second one, you will have to use either MPICH2 or OpenMPI and a crowbar to open Windows HPC's skull. It's just that Windows HPC says on one side that its job scheduler can work with MPICH2 as well, but on the other side they say that you're better off using MS-MPI. But don't take my word for it, ask the support team for your Windows HPC cluster

For post-processing, ParaView can work with either one of these setups:
  • Linux client + Windows cluster
  • Windows client + Linux cluster
But I don't know if it allows for both to be clusters...

Either way, if you want support for the implementation, you can check with at least one of these products and respective companies:
  • blueCFD from blueCAPE (disclaimer: this is the one I work for and we were the ones responsible for that wiki page above ).
  • OpenFlow from Symscape (we initially based our patches on their patches ).
Best regards,
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Old   June 23, 2011, 14:57
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at the OpenFOAM Workshop Hrv Jasak gave an outlook on the windows porting efforts he made => see Slide 4
This time a working demonstration was given. Todo is the HPC capabilities on Windows HPC 2008, but I believe it takes some time before we see it on GIT
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Old   June 24, 2011, 04:26
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thanks a lot for your attention and replies,
to be honest I don't have so much information about computers and related...
as I am a mechanical Eng. I mostly work with related softwares. but I know in our university we have about 100 computing nodes(all of the nodes are core2due or corei7) connected to a server system with ethernet cables. nodes OS is win XP x64 and server is win server 2003(not sure 2003 or 2008!).and we have console system which users(like me) open cases and run their cases in parallel mode using those computing nodes.
most users use fluent as their CFD software and they dont have any problem with win. but as I and some other students started using openfoam,we have trouble with win. we have a seperated linux console now but I dont know how we can run our cases in that console in parallel mode using computing nodes for proccess. as I mentioned I can change some computing node OS to linux, but other students who wanted to use fluent would have trouble!
BTW if it is necessary to install openfoam on all computing node to make them usable to run openfoam on them, it seems the bluecfd product is a good choice.
any other helps are so welcomed... and thanks
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linux, openfoam, parallel, windows

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