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Old   May 26, 2011, 10:26
Default coalChemistryFoam
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Hello Foamers,

I am using OpenFOAM 1.7.0 and I need some help using coalChemistryFoam. What I am trying to do is determine the heat transfer through a porour media (see the attached picture for an idea of the structure that I am trying to implement) consisting of SnO2 solid sphere particles in a cube of air. I want to see how the heat transfers through the solid and air when the bottom plate of the cube is continuously heated at 573K, while the rest of the cube begins at room temperature (298K). I was given a suggestion to start from the tutorial simplifiedSiwek in coalChemistryFoam and then simplify it to represent my case of laminar flow with no reaction.

Turning the case to laminar was no problem, but I am having serious issues in turning off the reaction part of the code. I have a few simple questions and then a few more detailed and specific ones.

Question 1: In the "0" folder, there are files called CH4, CO, CO2 etc. Are these of any use to me? Can I just delete all of these files or do I need to set them to equal zero?

Question 2: In the "coalCloud1Properties" folder I have turned active to "false". Does this mean that the file is no longer in use? Is there anything else that needs to be done with this file?

Question 3: In the "limestoneCloud1Properties" are the constantProperties supposed to be for the SnO2 or for the air? I do not understand how the code understands that the cloud is solid SnO2 particles.

Question 4: Now for the most confusing part. How do I make OpenFOAM understand that there is no reaction? In the "chemistryProperties" folder I have turned chemistry to off, but it still makes me have an input for the psiChemistryModel. I have left it as ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics> (it only accepts either gasThermoPhysics or icoPoly8ThermoPhsics) but I am not exactly sure what this means or does. This then leads into the "thermophysicalProperties" folder. I have changed the thermoType to hsPsiMixtureThermo<multiComponentMixture<gasThermo Physics>> (again it only accepts either reactingMixture or multiComponentMixture and I clearly do not want a reactingMixture) but I have no idea what the write for the rest of the file. The tutorial has a bunch of things regarding the chemistry and calling the files in the "chemkin" folder, but this does not apply to me. I have checked out the User Guide and the forum, but I there are no examples of how to set up the file.

Question 5: What are the "cellSetDict" and "decomposeParDict" used for? Can someone please explain to me what role they play and how the information is used.

Any sort of advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. I need all the help I can get Thank you in advance for your assistance and guidance. It is MUCH appreciated!!

Thanks, Jen
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