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Injection of Lagrangian particles

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Old   November 23, 2010, 03:28
Default Injection of Lagrangian particles
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Alberto Passalacqua
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I have a doubt about the Lagrangian classes. I would like to simulate the injection of two jets of particles using the O'Rourke collision model.

My case is extremely simple: particles are injected from two patches at constant velocity and constant diameter, and they can collide.

It seems collision models is only available using the spray sub-models, which adds the complication of using injectors (there does not seem to be an injector which uses a patch, at least if my understanding is correct).

Could you give some hint to set this case up?

Alberto Passalacqua

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Old   November 23, 2010, 19:33
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Stefan Radl
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Hey Alberto!

I did some LPT using injections in a region (e.g., a sphere), but not in a domain. I imagine one could write a routine do inject particles near an inlet.

I'd be interested to work on an implementation of the MP-PIC approach of O'Rourke into twoPhaseEulerFoam. We have started a project on that here recently, and would love to share code of LPT (coupled to LES, using an eddy interaction model)

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Old   November 23, 2010, 22:38
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Alberto Passalacqua
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Hi Stefan,

thanks for your answer. I guess definedInjector can do that. My case is a pure Lagrangian simulation without fluid, so I do not really need an inlet, just an area next to a wall from where particles come out. I was trying to find the easiest way to do this, since injectors want a whole bunch of information I do not really need! :-)

About MP-PIC, you probably need a more robust solver for dense flows than twoPhaseEulerFoam, since the key in some of the recent implementations of MP-PIC is enforcing the particle packing by means of the Eulerian equations, to evaluate the acceleration term responsible of preventing packing implicitly.
I saw you joined my project on extend, so you know I am working on that ;-)

What kind of applications would you like to do with MP-PIC (I saw you are in Prof Sundaresan's group, so we might have a chance to meet sometime).

Alberto Passalacqua

GeekoCFD - A free distribution based on openSUSE 64 bit with CFD tools, including OpenFOAM. Available as in both physical and virtual formats (current status:
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Old   November 24, 2010, 05:04
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Astrid Mahrla
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Hi Alberto!

There is a PatchInjectionModel in OpenFOAM..
It's used in the solver rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam with KinematicParcel class and can be found in src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/PatchInjection..

Hope this helps!


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Old   November 24, 2010, 09:57
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Stefan Radl
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Hey Alberto,

thanks for the useful input. Yeah, I'm aware of the stability issues associated with MP-PIC - Snider is working on that for more than 10 years...

I think the best way is to have a stable and two-fluid solver, and knowing how to stabilize the particle pressure calculation near the packing limit. I'd be glad to contribute to this development in the twoPhaseEulerPimpleFoam code.

Are there already implementations of MP-PIC in OF available to have a quick look at that?

My goal is compare MP-PIC with E-E based on filtered simulations (similar to the work of Igci et al.), and then go to CFB.

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Old   November 24, 2010, 11:16
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Alberto Passalacqua
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Originally Posted by sradl View Post
Hey Alberto,

thanks for the useful input. Yeah, I'm aware of the stability issues associated with MP-PIC - Snider is working on that for more than 10 years...
Yes, I do not have a hands-on view (never coded anything related to MP-PIC), but I think their issues are related to the exchange between Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange framework, which forces them to use quite strong relaxation. A similar problem was discussed at ICMF last year by a "famous commercial code vendor", which is implementing MP-PIC under another name

I think the best way is to have a stable and two-fluid solver, and knowing how to stabilize the particle pressure calculation near the packing limit. I'd be glad to contribute to this development in the twoPhaseEulerPimpleFoam code.

Are there already implementations of MP-PIC in OF available to have a quick look at that?
Not that I know. I remember seeing some thread talking about MP-PIC on this forum, but it was about intentions of implementing it.

My goal is compare MP-PIC with E-E based on filtered simulations (similar to the work of Igci et al.), and then go to CFB.
That's interesting!

Alberto Passalacqua

GeekoCFD - A free distribution based on openSUSE 64 bit with CFD tools, including OpenFOAM. Available as in both physical and virtual formats (current status:
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Old   November 24, 2010, 11:17
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Alberto Passalacqua
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Originally Posted by AMahrla View Post
Hi Alberto!

There is a PatchInjectionModel in OpenFOAM..
It's used in the solver rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam with KinematicParcel class and can be found in src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/PatchInjection..
Thanks Mahrla
Alberto Passalacqua

GeekoCFD - A free distribution based on openSUSE 64 bit with CFD tools, including OpenFOAM. Available as in both physical and virtual formats (current status:
OpenQBMM - An open-source implementation of quadrature-based moment methods.

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